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I strongly recommend listening to the song for this chapter ^

I strongly recommend listening to the song for this chapter ^

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"TaeTae, look what I found!"

"Found or stole?"

"Does it matter?"

The young Taehyung shook his head, laughing at his little brother.  They were walking home from school alone as they always do. Their parents were very busy people who barely had time to take care of them, so since the beginning Taehyung had taken it upon himself to care for them both.

The elder twin looked at his 5 year old brother, bouncing about as he excitedly held his new gameboy he obviously stole from one of their classmates. They were the same age but Taehyung felt wise beyond his years, not understanding where such wisdom came from. He knew right from wrong without much guidance from anyone other than what he's witnessed around him.

Taehyung was an observer from the beginning.

And being an observer at such a young age comes with a price.

The price of gaining knowledge but having no power to do anything. The price of being regarded as naive when really you're the most competent person in the room.

Taehyung could see everything. The way his parents looked at them every time they left them alone. As if this would be their last meeting and they were remorseful for how they've treated them. As if they wish time could stop, so they could have just a minute longer together. He could see the way his younger brother's heart broke each time that door closed behind them. Never knowing when or if they'll come back. He could see how V acted out, stealing and throwing tantrums just for attention.  He could see how saddened he was when nobody ever cared except for his older brother.

He could see the love and absolute trust his little brother held in him, realizing that they only had each other in this cruel, cruel world. He wished he could hide his twin from the harsh reality of it all, knowing it was already too late for both of them.

The twins finally got home, walking into their quiet house. It was always so quiet. If it weren't for V being an outspoken child, it wouldn't even seem lived in.  Nobody was ever home except them anyway. It's been this way since they were 3.  However, today was a different story.

They walked into the living room, ready to go about their usual routines only to see their uncle sitting on the couch as if he were waiting for them.

Kim Dojima. A cold man, even to his family.  He always looked like he had an ulterior motive, calculating gaze piercing through your soul.  He was never around, despite knowing the twins were always by themselves, so his presence was a bit concerning.  Nothing good ever came around him.

"There you are." His deep, rough voice filled the quiet space around them, making the twins tense up. Taehyung pulled V behind him inconspicuously, not at all trusting the man.  "Can we help you?"

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