Twenty Five

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A heavy silence encased the room, bathing the three men in an awkward air

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A heavy silence encased the room, bathing the three men in an awkward air. There were so many unspoken words and so little idea of how to begin them.

The youngest in the room sat in a chair facing the other two males on the couch, a deeply puzzled expression etched on his beautiful face. The twins were sitting silently, only casting nervous glares towards one another.

"Look, if all we're gonna do is sit in silence then I might as well just leave." Jungkook sighed out exasperated, standing and gathering his things before being stopped by Taehyung.

"Please love, it's not like that. We wanna tell you everything, we just don't know how to start." The ravenette gives him a scrutinizing look before he finally settles back down, noticing Taehyung release a breath of relief.

"I got shot."

V suddenly spoke, watching Jungkook's eyes widen at his confession. He previously had been quiet this whole time, mind running a mile a minute.

"It's time I told you what happened to me when I left with my uncle."

Jungkook sat up straighter, a nervous feeling bubbling in the pit of his stomach as he gave V his undivided attention.

Taehyung looked away, not knowing if he can handle listening to the full story of his brother's abuse again.

All of their emotions were running high for different reasons. Jungkook's with fear, Taehyung's with guilt, and V's with pain.

"I left my happy life with my brother when I was 14. It wasn't comfortable or normal, but it was all we'd ever known. I didn't leave because I wanted to, I left because I was forced to by my uncle." V began, fists balling as painful memories resurfaced through his mind.

"The years I stayed with him made me into the person I am now." He paused to look directly into Jungkook's eyes, needing to see his reaction to his next words.

"A murderer."

Dread filled the younger's face and his hands visibly started shaking as he backed himself into the chair as far as he could. "Wh... what... what do you mean?" Jungkook asked nervously, folding his hands to stop them from shaking so much.

"I'm part of a gang, Jungkook. We're called the Red Shadows and my uncle is currently the boss. He established us on the foundation of instilling fear into everyone we cross paths with. He took me all those years ago and turned me into his own little killing machine."


The young 14-year-old V, still pure within his soul, stood in front of his uncle. The man was sporting a wicked smile on his face as he spoke with excitement. "Welcome to the gang, my boy! I can't wait to personally teach you the ways of the Red Shadows."

The young teen tried to calm his racing heart, not wanting to show any emotion in front of Kim Dojima.  His uncle would find and use any weakness against him to get what he wanted.

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