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"Bitch now that you're finally here I need all the details!"

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"Bitch now that you're finally here I need all the details!"

"Yes! I've been so bored recently you better give me something juicy to hear."

Jungkook sighed, already regretting that he'd taken his free time off from work to go visit his best friends when he could have just stayed at home with his boyfriends. Yugyeom kept bitching about not seeing him enough and then Jimin of course had to come and now here they were, 4 tequila shots in pestering Jungkook about getting fucked by two men at the same time.

Truth be told, he really missed his friends. They were the crackhead trio, never failing to put a smile on each other's faces. Not only could they bring happiness to each other, they understood each other and took the time to listen to their issues.

But now that he was sitting here with Jimin, he had so many questions for him with no idea how to approach them. The blonde male was always so supportive and willing to listen about his relationship with the twins. Hell, he wouldn't have even met Taehyung if it wasn't for him. But now the question is why? Why is he so willing to be supportive when he can't even look Taehyung in the eye?

After Taehyung told him what happened, he truly understood why Jimin acted the way that he did at the anniversary party. He just doesn't understand why Jimin would let him bring them with him. He even specifically said he could bring Taehyung if he wanted to. His actions just aren't adding up and Jungkook isn't even sure if it's his place to ask him about it. Yes, they're best friends but isn't this a line that shouldn't be crossed?

"Kook, are you drunk already? You keep zoning out! You literally stopped at the best part." Yugyeom shook him out of his thoughts with a small pout on his face. Jungkook shook his head at his friend with a small smile. Yugyeom was acting like this was the greatest story of all time.

"Fine. Two dicks haven't been inside my ass at the same time yet if that's what you're wondering about. They took turns and it was so amazing. Amazing doesn't even describe how good it was. Like I could feel every little thing; their breath on my neck, they way they moved inside me. And then I woke them up to do it all over again."

"Damn I knew you were a freak but oh my god I'm so fucking jealous." Yugyeom, that horny child, sulked to himself.

"You literally have a whole man." Jimin deadpanned, eyes narrowing into slits. Yugyeom only waved him off, collapsing into the couch. "JayJay loves vanilla sex too much. He always wants to 'make love to me' while I'm trying to get him to spank me until my ass falls off."

Jungkook busted out laughing, not caring one bit that Yugyeom was giving him a serious death stare. Jimin only shook his head. "It's called communication, sweetie."

"Says the bitch who's been married for 47 years with 3 kids. Communication is your middle name! Me and Jaebum basically just started dating and I don't wanna scare him off by asking him to smack my ass like a drum."

"Were you trying to say me? Because we definitely haven't been married for that long but I do carry his kids inside me everyday." Jimin flipped his hair, pouring another shot for himself and downing it quickly.

"Chim that was just gross." Jungkook gave a disgusted face, shivering to himself at the unwanted visual. Yugyeom nodded in agreement, quickly pouring a shot hoping it'll make him forget that horrendous statement.

Jimin only shrugged not paying attention to them as the alcohol in his system was starting to take effect. He slowly turned to the ravenette, a tenderness in his gaze that wasn't previously there. "Hey Jungkook... do you love them?"

The ravenette paused mid-bite holding a chicken wing in his hand. He glanced at Jimin who looked like all playfulness had left his body and nodded slowly. "I do. I love them a lot." The tipsy blonde male nodded to himself, a small smile appearing on his face. "Good. That's all I needed to know."

Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. What was that all about? Why did it seem like Jimin was making sure more for himself than he was for Jungkook's sake.

"Ugh, can we please make some cocktails and watch reality tv now? I need to see someone's life that's messier than mine." Yugyeom whined out, draping his rather long body across his two best friends' laps. Jungkook smiled down at him, running his fingers through Yugyeom's silky hair. "Anything for you, Yugy."

Jimin spanked his bum to make the youngest move before getting up and heading to the kitchen. "Some daiquiris, ladies?" Jungkook and Yugyeom gave his thumbs up with they turned on a random season of The Real World.

Jungkook lounged back on the couch while Yugyeom was still cuddled up to him, feeling so content with his life right now. He felt like for the first time in awhile, he was truly happy. He was deeply in love and he was closer than ever with his friends, though he'd still have to talk to Jimin in the future.

The only daunting part of his life was the gang. Now he had to be extra careful, always be watching over his shoulder and be incredibly cautious of someone he doesn't know.

But it was a small price to pay to be with the twins. He would figure out how to move a fucking mountain if it meant he had more time with them, his love ran that deep.

And that realization didn't scare him, it only empowered him.

Just a little lighthearted chapter with the besties because who doesn't love the crackhead trio?

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Just a little lighthearted chapter with the besties because who doesn't love the crackhead trio?

In case anyone didn't see my update, my new job literally has me busy 25/8 and when I come home I'm so burnt out that I really only have time to write chapters on the weekends. So please, be patient with me while updates will be slow. And also please try not to pressure me to update because honestly it just makes me not want to.

But anyway,

I need my own crackhead trio anybody wanna join? 🤡

Love you all! Peace out, beauties 💕

~ Emerald 💚

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