Thirty Four

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"Cyber, are we clear?"

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"Cyber, are we clear?"

"Cameras clear.  Boss is in his cage."

Yoongi nodded to himself, moving into a corner of the warehouse that held a blind spot for the cameras.   He had spent the last 3 hours, along with Namjoon, assuring certain members of the gang to be on V's side.  Finding people was easy enough, convincing them to oppose Kim Dojima was an entirely different matter. 

Kim Dojima has been the Boss for many, many years.  His reign of terror has haunted these people for as long as they can remember.  They know exactly how ruthless he is and the mere thought of rising against him is horrifying.  When it comes to your life and your loved ones, it's hard to make a decision like this ultimatum.  Continue to live in fear as Dojima becomes more and more fierce or muster up the courage to fight for a better one? Your life is not promised in either situation, though wouldn't you rather die fighting for a better future instead of cowering in your present reality?

These are the questions Yoongi has been repeating to members of the Red Shadows all day, receiving the same response each time.  First denial, next is regret, then bargaining, and finally acceptance.  And so far, that acceptance has been in their favor.

In all honesty, Yoongi didn't expect such positive responses from everyone. Some members were even eager to join V's side, sick and tired of their lives under Dojima.

Yoongi has always considered himself a lost soul. He had been wishing to find his place in this life as long as he can remember, always longing to be able to say that he is genuinely happy. When he's behind a rifle, he doesn't have to pretend. He can be blank, letting his body control his movements. It's the only time where he actually feels free.

He has hopes and dreams just like anyone else, though they feel silly and shallow when he remembers the reality he's living in. He's never even dared to voice out these dreams to anyone, keeping them safely locked within the confines of his mind. That's why he easily accepted to fight, fight for a chance to release those dreams from their confines. His hope to finally be happy is greater than his despair. And nothing will stop him until he finally gets what he wants.

"Be alert, Owl.  Boss is on the move."

Yoongi was instantly alert, shaking his head from his thoughts.  He said his goodbyes to the person he was talking to and immediately made his retreat for the basement.  That is technically where he was supposed to be right now, taking inventory for the guns. If he ran into Dojima right now, it could be quite problematic. 

As he rounded a corner, he spotted Dojima with 5 guards surrounding him, strolling down the hallway like he was the shit.  Yoongi inwardly rolled his eyes, letting the shadows of the wall stop him from being seen.  He was waiting for the man to pass but he seemed to just be standing in the hallway. 

Yoongi held his breath as Dojima suddenly seemed to look in his direction, almost like he could see him behind the corner.  Which would make no fucking sense because Yoongi didn't even make a sound.  Dojima seemed to look through him, slowly making his way towards the corner Yoongi was hiding behind. Slowly getting closer and closer, the man's piercing golden eyes seeming to bore into Yoongi's soul.  He could feel his heart starting to race, looking around the corridor for any possible way to escape this situation.

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