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V entered the quiet apartment, kicking his shoes off and making his way into the kitchen to get some water

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V entered the quiet apartment, kicking his shoes off and making his way into the kitchen to get some water.  He couldn't even take two steps before he was tackled to the ground by a distressed ravenette, small yet strong arms trapping him under them. 

"Damn sugar, I missed you too."  He chuckled and wrapped one arm around Jungkook's waist as the other went to the back of his head, gently massaging his scalp to calm him down.  Jungkook was shaking again, so unbelievably happy to finally be back in V's loving embrace.

"Don't ever fucking leave us again, you asshole!"  The ravenette yelled out, pushing his face into V's tatted neck while trying not to cry. 

The tatted male pulled Jungkook's chin up, looking at his lover with a reassuring smile on his face.  "You don't have to worry about that anymore baby, I'll never have to leave you both ever again."

"Do you really mean that?"

Another voice sounded.  Taehyung was watching them as he leaned against the arm of the couch, arms crossed and face looking conflicted.  V felt his heart hurt as he looked at his twin.  He didn't fully realize how hard it would be for Taehyung to accept that there's no longer a threat to their safety.  That V doesn't have to kill anymore, after he's been blaming himself for years at what happened to them. 

V carefully stood, standing Jungkook up with him.  He gave the younger a small smile before letting go, speeding to his brother.  The closer he got, the more tears he could see gathering in Taehyung's eyes before he finally reached him, wrapping him up in his hold.  It was in that moment that Taehyung finally let the dam break, letting all his emotions out in his brother's hold.  He clawed onto V's back from holding him so tightly, stuffing his face in his chest as he cried and cried.

"I love you, TaeTae.  We're finally free.  We never have to worry about that bastard again.  We got justice for mom and dad and we're both okay.  We fucking did it." 

Taehyung only nodded his head, trying to get himself together to stop crying but it was so hard.  He'd spent the last 25 years of his life in fear and guilt for himself and his brother.  It was hard to believe that they'd finally been granted peace, the universe had finally taken pity on them. 

Though his cries had finally stopped, he refused to let go of his twin.  He just needed him close so he could feel grounded.  V simply smiled, pulling back a little to boop Taehyung's nose.  The older twin was feeling much too emotional to care and only buried his head deeper in his chest.

The tatted male lifted his head to find their lover looking at them with a small smile.  To this day, he could never get over how Jungkook always gave them their space, looking at them from afar with so much love.  They really got so incredibly lucky.

"How about we all go take a shower?"


The steam from the shower enveloped them as the water from the rain shower head cascaded down their bodies.  V and Jungkook were both doting on a still silent Taehyung, the silver haired male just letting them do whatever they want.  V was conditioning his hair, gently running his tatted fingers through his now clean scalp and Jungkook was thoroughly washing Taehyung's body because he was a bit shorter than them.  The amount of love and attention that were showing him almost made him want to start crying again.  

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