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Jungkook sat there in utter disbelief, tears running down his reddened cheeks

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Jungkook sat there in utter disbelief, tears running down his reddened cheeks.

Was that even possible?

Taehyung raised them both from the tender age of 5?

How the fuck did they make it to where they are now?

He could feel the respect he had for both of them multiplying in his heart, not understanding how it was possible for them to care for themselves this long.

"How?" He breathed out slowly, feeling incredibly overwhelmed by how much his lovers have suffered.

Taehyung smiled at him fondly, wiping the younger's tears. "It was the hardest thing we've ever done. I hear a lot of children always complaining about how they wish their parents gave them more freedom, but they don't understand the severity of that wish."

V nodded, squeezing Jungkook's thigh to comfort him.  "If Taehyung wasn't as smart as he is, we would have died within a few months."

The ravenette shook his head to get rid of those thoughts, not wanting to think about if they didn't survive.

The silver haired male sighed as he looked at the ceiling. "It got easier as we got older but imagine being five and having no one to care for you." Taehyung stopped to laugh a bit, "I couldn't even figure out how to cook well until we were about seven so we ate nothing but cereal, instant food and occasional restaurant food for almost 2 years."

Jungkook could feel his eyes filling with tears again but blinked them away before they could fall. "I don't know how you did it but I'm so proud of you two. Taehyung, you are fucking phenomenal. I already knew that but this just confirmed it." The elder smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

"And my wonderful V!" He said worriedly, turning fully to the younger twin to grab both of his hands. "What happened to you when you left with your uncle?"

"That's a story for another day." V smiled down at him. Jungkook pouted, knowing he was evading the subject, but respecting that he didn't want to talk about it. V cupped his cheek and leaned down to kiss him softly. "Don't pout, sweetheart."

The ravenette settled back in his seat with a slight blush on his cheeks. He felt Taehyung wrap his arms around his waist and looked up to meet his soft gaze. "So love, now that that's out the way is there anything else you wanna know?"

The younger only shook his head as he leaned into the embrace. "No, you've said more than enough for one night. You both are so fucking strong to go through all that and still become the amazing people you are today."

"So, you still wanna be with us?" V said, side glancing at him. Jungkook sat up, gaping at him. "What? Of course I do! If anything I feel even more honored that you both still want me."

"Of course, love. When we said you're ours, we meant it." Taehyung added while V nodded, smiling down at him mischievously. "And since you're ours..."

The ravenette gasped as he felt V push him down on the couch, his head landing in Taehyung's lap while his back touched the soft couch.  The tatted male crawled on top of him, settling himself in between his legs with a smirk.  Jungkook blinked up at the man, "V wha-" and was immediately silenced with a deep kiss. He could feel himself completely relaxing in his lovers' arms, slowly wrapping his arms around V's neck. 

Taehyung looked down at them with a smile on his face.  He stroked Jungkook's soft hair while his other hand lightly scratched down V's back. One of his twin's arms left Jungkook's tiny waist to wrap around his own, encouraging him to keep going.  He bit his lip as he wrapped his strong hand around V's neck, guiding him down to Jungkook's collar bone. The tatted male immediately dragged his tongue around it, biting from time to time. 

The ravenette let out a breathy moan and locked his hazy eyes with Taehyung's.  He grabbed the silver haired male's shirt collar and dragged him down into another heated kiss.  Taehyung growled into his mouth and yanked his head back with a tight grip on his hair, making the younger dizzy. 

They were quickly moving into dangerous territory, emotions beginning to run high and lust beginning to take control. Jungkook knew they had to stop before he ends up getting destroyed in a psychiatrist's office. "Guys wait." He rushed out, trying to sit up while both men still had a strong grip on him.

"What's wrong, love?" Taehyung rasped out, clearly not having enough of the ravenette and V slowly sat up, not happy with being stopped. 

"What's wrong is both of you were basically about to fuck me and I can't afford to need a wheelchair when we're going to regionals!" 

V snorted, falling back into his seat while Taehyung tried to hide his laughter. "Hey assholes, it's not funny." Jungkook deadpanned, crossing his arms over his chest. "I already know I'll need a full week's recovery in which I'll demand cuddles and good food."

The silver haired male laughed  at that, placing a kiss on the younger's forehead. "Anything for our baby." Jungkook looked up at V to see him smile and wink at him.  The ravenette rolled his eyes with a shy smile and yawned, suddenly feeling very tired. "Can we get food and go to bed now?"

Both twins nodded and stood up getting ready to leave while Jungkook just sat lazily on the couch.  "Someone carry me?"

The twins looked at each other before Taehyung playfully rolled his eyes, walking over to the ravenette and kneeling down. "You're such a big baby." Jungkook excitedly got up and climbed on his back, wrapping his arms and legs around him. "Your baby, though."

As Taehyung stood up, the younger felt V come behind him and slap his ass. "And don't you forget it." 

They made their way out the building and to V's car, stopping to pick up food before going home to Taehyung's house. In the car and while they were eating, Jungkook kept thinking about the twins' past. He was so disgusted by their uncle and knowing that he still has V trapped was sickening.  

He laid between his lovers, Taehyung embracing him from behind while the ravenette's arms were wrapped around V's waist. And in that moment he knew, he knew he would do anything for them. Because he didn't just like them.

He loved them.

Is this story even still interesting? I hope so!

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Is this story even still interesting? I hope so!

As always,

Love you all! Peace out, beauties 💕

~ Emerald 💚

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