Thirty Six

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There's a common misconception about the concept of fear

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There's a common misconception about the concept of fear.

People have different phobias. Such as; a fear of the dark, a fear of needles, a fear of spiders, a fear of drowning, death, the unknown. These phobias can be innate, born with the person and stagnant within them until the day they inevitably die. Or these phobias can be learned. The result of a traumatic situation that re-programs the mind to develop an irrational fear.

"V, you're so cute." Dojima sickeningly chuckled. "You've always been adorable. Looking at me with such strong hate. It always got me so excited."

This fear. It wasn't irrational and it wasn't learned. He didn't fear for himself, he feared for the safety of the only two people he could never live without.

Not a soul in the room dared to move a muscle. Standing before them was not only Kim Dojima, very amused with the situation; but also Choi Hyunsik, leader of the Vipers and Kang Minho, leader of the Anarchists.

Dojima paced around the room slowly, as if he was trying to contain his excitement. He had a sick smile on his face, wrinkled eyes watching the scene unfold before him with ease.  The other two leaders watched him, fingers itching to torture the pretty boys sitting on their knees before them. He moved to stand behind Jungkook, who immediately tried to move away from him but with his hands and feet bound, it was quite difficult. He secured the boy's position on his knees with a tight grip on his hair.

"I've been waiting for this moment, my dear nephew. Waiting for the day you'd finally grow some balls and try to kill me."

All V could focus on were the two loves of his life. Taehyung had a blank look on his face, he almost looked bored. Which under different circumstances, V would find amusing. And his beautiful Jungkook, the love of his life that should have never been exposed to this world, looked pissed. The younger looked livid, he didn't even seem scared just angry.

"You know, you really shouldn't be in such a rush to proceed with your plans." Dojima continued, moving to stroke his grimy fingers through Jungkook's silky hair. V could feel his blood boiling, fingers twitching to pull the trigger and end this man's life. "It's unfortunate really. Such a good plan too, gone to waste so easily."

Using everything he had to hold himself back, V menacingly spoke up. "What. The fuck. Do you want." His voice was a baritone growl, sending chills through everyone in the room. Jungkook snapped his eyes towards his lover, a look of unease surfacing on his face.  The sickening feeling of thick, tobacco smelling fingers raking though his hair becoming numb to the anger of his lover.

Dojima paused, looking V deeply into his eyes before he sighed heavily.    He violently ripped his hand out of Jungkook's hair; the small ravenette unintentionally letting out a grunt, trying to steady himself again.  "You just don't get it, do you?"

V grit his teeth as the older man slowly approached him again, watching the man's every movement.  "Do you know what you'd be without me?" Dojima questioned, eyes growing wide into an almost unnatural expression.  "Dead. You and your worthless brother would be fucking dead.  I gave you a reason to live.  So what if I had your parents killed? I needed new blood. Fresh blood.  Young blood."

Namjoon shifted slightly only to immediately be held back by V.  The young leader refused to risk anyone else's safety.  "No sudden moves, Namjoon.  We don't know what the fuck he has planned.  It's the only reason I haven't blown his head off."  Yoongi's voiced sounded through Namjoon's earpiece.  The muscular man clenched his fists, fingernails sharply digging into his skin as he stood still.  

But even that small movement had alerted Kim Dojima.  He shifted his gaze onto the taller, better built man yet his dominance never wavered.  "Oh Kim Namjoon... what a good investment you are.  If only your parents had agreed and didn't give you up, right?"

Namjoon's nostrils flared, ready to jump before he heard V's gruff voice. "Enough! You're proved your fucking point.  We're nothing compared to your power, right? So just say what you want!"  He'd had enough, had enough of everything at this point.  Their plan had failed and this was going to be their end.

Seokjin was sweating, watching the live feed on his monitors.  His job is to be a guide and he failed.  He failed V.  He failed all of them.  He couldn't foresee Dojima bringing in their most hated enemies and cornering them.  Jin could feel tears streaming down his face and he put his head down, harshly pulling his hair.  He'd never even given Namjoon a chance.  He couldn't watch anymore.

"Quite a mouth you have on you." Dojima laughed, a feeling of giddiness running though him. "What I want is simple."  He stopped only inches from V's face, mile and wide eyes making him look absolutely insane.  "I want you to kneel before me and beg.  Beg for your life, your brother's life, your lover's life and for every single person who mistakenly chose to fight on your side. Do this, and I'll spare them all."

The tatted male grit his teeth as he slowly lowered to his knees.  He slightly glanced up to see Jungkook's eyes widening in sheer horror.  Just like that, it seems he'd given up everything.  His pride, his future.  

Namjoon wanted to fucking scream.  He turned away, not being able to see one of his only friends life this.

Dojima watched as his nephew slowly lowered his head, his own expression brightening even more if that was possible.  His breathing was ragged, fingertips shaking with excitement.  


 everything changed.

V snapped his head up, glaring at the other two gang leaders in the room. "Now!"

With a smirk, the leaders of the Vipers and Anarchists were in motion.  Minho snatched Kim Dojima's gun away as Hyunsik hit him hard in the back of the head.  Before the Boss knew what happened he hit the ground with a vision blurring headache.  He blinked heavily, trying to clear his vision before he was struck again, this time by V's fist. Everything happened so fast, but Namjoon was quickly in motion.  He bound Dojima's hands together, effectively prohibiting his movement.  

The old gang leader was thoroughly confused.  He was seconds away from basking in the glory of finally stripping his dear nephew of everything, and now he's made to be a fool?  The two gang leaders moved to untie Taehyung and Jungkook, lips spreading wider at the look of betrayal on Dojima's face.  

"You know..." Taehyung amusedly started. It was the first time he'd moved that night.  He slowly rose to his full height, towering over the older pathetic crime boss. The sheer anger and subtle uncertainty in Dojima's eyes was giving him life and renewing his vitality. "You've always been so shallow minded, Kim Dojima."

Y'all right now: 👁👄👁

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Y'all right now: 👁👄👁

I had to do it to ya!

Love you all! Peace out, beauties 💕

~ Emerald 💚

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