Twenty Four

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The daunting sounds of the clock on the wall and heavy rain loomed over the men in the room. A grumpy man sat still on the small bed, looking out the window at the pouring rain. He should be in pain, terrible pain, but his mind is currently elsewhere.

He was thinking about how to tell the two most important people in his life that he'd utterly fucked up by not paying attention.

It's been a long time since he's gotten hurt like this.

"If you think any harder, you'll pop the stitches I'm working so hard on over here." Jinyoung joked. V rolled his eyes, "that doesn't even make sense."

Park Jinyoung was the resident doctor for the Red Shadows. If a member got any type of injury, he was the first person you would call. Without him, they would have multiple casualties daily.  He was the first true friend V had made within the gang and from that day forward, Jinyoung had declared he'd be loyal to V.  He was one of the many people that were tired of Kim Dojima's tyranny.  Not to mention, he was quite handsome.

The doctor finished cleaning and dressing the gunshot wound of the agitated male, giving him some painkillers to take. "Thankfully the bullet went straight through, so I didn't have to dig it out. You already know what to do, so you don't need my doctorly advice."

V nodded, moving to sit on the edge of the bed. "Thanks Jinyoung, I know you were on a date with your fiancé."

"He'll get over it. Nothing can stop me from taking care of my little V."  Jinyoung cooed as he pinched V's cheeks.  V scoffed and pushed his hands away, though inwardly he was always grateful for Jinyoung. No matter what the latter was doing, he would always drop everything to care of him.  That's why he was the only one that could get away with something like that without a knife to the throat.

"And don't think I didn't hear about your little throuple, you whore." Jinyoung snorted, enjoying the annoyed look on V's face.

"Oh, shut the fuck up. I have no idea how to tell them."

"Well know you only have to worry about telling one."

The tatted male flinched as he turned around to find his one and only twin standing in the doorway, expression mixed with frustration and worry. "Tae?"

The aforementioned stepped into the room slowly, giving the younger time to take in his rushed appearance. Taehyung's hair looked messy, something it never was in public, and he was still in his pajamas. 

"What are you doing here?" V asked his twin who's eyes had never left his.

"Namjoon called me."

Of course, he rushed here immediately.

Taehyung finally stopped in front of the younger, biting his lip as he looked over him. He stopped on his bandaged shoulder and he could feel his eyes stinging with tears.  Seeing the elder's eyes water, V started to panic. He wrapped his good arm around his waist and pulled him close in-between his legs, caging him into his body.  "No no TaeTae don't cry, please. I'm okay, see? Everything's fine."

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