Twenty Two

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Ya girl is back from vacation what's good y'all?

The tatted male woke up alone, sun shining brightly on his face and the pillow still smelling freshly of Taehyung

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The tatted male woke up alone, sun shining brightly on his face and the pillow still smelling freshly of Taehyung.  He slowly sat up, shaking his head as he vividly remembered how vulnerable he was last night.  It's not often he lets himself go into that weakened state but it allows him to reset his mind.  His insanity would be off the fucking charts if he wasn't allowed a moment of weakness to clear his thoughts. 

The smell of bacon enticed him out of bed and into the kitchen where he found his twin.  Taehyung had his back turned to him, buttering bread as he seemed lost in his thoughts.  The younger twin smiled at the sight and silently walked up to the elder to wrap his arms around his waist.

Taehyung jumped in surprise, kicking the younger in mock anger. "You little bitch, you scared me!" V laughed loudly, squeezing his waist before letting go and sitting down at the island. "Not my fault you're a pussy."  It was when the elder flipped him off and threatened to take his breakfast away that the younger relented and gave a fake apology. 

Taehyung rolled his eyes but gave him a plate of food regardless.  They sat together and ate in comfortable silence for awhile before Taehyung chose to ask V what he'd been thinking about. "So, exactly how dangerous is tonight?"

"I don't know how many men are there guarding our container but it's full of guns and coke so I'm sure it'll be filled with greedy bastards." V said after swallowing a strawberry.  "It's high profile so Jin will be directing us from his control center."

That made Taehyung feel a little better. Jin was the best hacker in the country and many would pay any amount of money to get him but just like Yoongi and Namjoon, he was loyal to V. Not Kim Dojima, Kim V. He could get them out of any situation, no matter the difficulty.

"Just come back to me safely please." Taehyung said, biting his lip in worry as he grabbed V's hand. The younger twin gave the older a fond smile and kissed the back of Taehyung's hand. "Don't I always?"


"Are you serious?"

"No bitch, I just casually asked her to throw a drink in my face."

"You're definitely stupid enough to do that."

"My IQ of 148 says otherwise, fucker."

"Both of you shut the fuck up! Damn you're so loud." V grabbed his head in frustration, not wanting to even look at them.

He was currently sitting outside the control center with Yoongi and Namjoon, the two discussing Namjoon's late night activities yesterday. The trio were waiting for Jin to unlock the door and debrief them about the mission.

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