Twenty Three

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double update cuz why not?

Undisclosed location in Seoul

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Undisclosed location in Seoul

12:00 am

Once again, V found himself in dangerous territory in the middle of the night. Though, the reason why the area was dangerous wasn't because of the men he was about to kill.

He himself, was the danger.

He was a fucking threat.

He didn't necessarily like killing, but he was damn good at it. A product of being taught exclusively by Kim Dojima.

And Namjoon and Yoongi were just as lethal.

In the dark hallway, the tatted male plunged his dagger into the skull of his 13th kill of the night. He was currently on the third floor, working his way down to the first floor. Namjoon was quickly killing guards outside under the direction of Jin and Yoongi was assisting from the rooftop of another building.

"24 confirmed kills inside the building, 14 confirmed outside. 19 targets remaining." Jin's voice sounded from their earpieces.

All in all, it had only been about 30 minutes since they first arrived. They were moving quickly and efficiently, thinking precisely about what moves to make next to avoid unnecessary trouble.

V moved steadily, becoming one with dark shadows of the night. One foot moving gracefully in front of the other, his feline stance making him completely silent.  He could hear chatter around him, indicating the presence of more guards. He peeped around the corner to find three men standing in a line, facing away from him. 

 How perfect. 

He neared closer to them but stopped once he heard their conversation.

"Now that we have Dojima's drugs, I heard the Boss is going to use the money to take over his territory."

"What? I thought we were going to join the Anarchists and kill all of the Red Shadows?"

"That's what the Anarchists think. We're gonna fuck everyone over and be the only ones left standing."

"And just like that we'll be the ones on top."

"Hell yeah, those assholes-" Choking sounds were heard from the man on the left, his speech suddenly getting cut off. He shakily looked down to find a dagger piercing through his throat from behind. His body started convulsing, eyes rolling to the back of his head as blood continuously poured out of his mouth. The middle guard's eyes widened at the sight but he didn't have time to react.

V had heard enough of their nonsense. He simultaneously threw daggers at the men on either side of the middle guard and smirked, hearing them choke on their own blood before running at the middle guard and stabbing him directly in his frontal lobe.  He could intimately feel the brain tissue wrapping around his dagger, quickly removing it and moving on before he could think too much about it.

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