Chapter 2

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Ryan's POV

I watched in absolute horror as Laynie spun around to walk off and her toe caught on to something, sending her sprawling to the ground face first. It had happened so fast, yet everything seemed to be in slow motion. Neither of us were able to react.

"Oh God Laynie! Are you okay?" I dropped to my knees immediately next to the prone figure lying on the ground not moving. "Laynie, Laynie." I called out again and again as I shook her lightly. She still had yet to move.

Shit. Shit. Shit. She had managed to knock herself out. Panic mode fully engaged now. Should I roll her over? Should I even move her at all?

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, but before I could dial, I could see her stirring, and she finally rolled over with a groan. I let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Ow." She said weakly, her hand coming up to touch her forehead, where blood trickled from a small gash near her hairline. Her blue gray eyes widened when she pulled her hand away and she gasped loudly when she saw the crimson staining her fingertips. She stared at me blankly. "I'm bleeding. What happened?" She asked frantically.

I quickly took off my sweatshirt and pressed it to the cut on her forehead as she winced. "You tripped and fell. Looks like you hit your head on a rock." I explained. Feeling a sense of relief that she seemed okay, well, aside from the gash on her forehead she seemed okay.

Suddenly she began to laugh, which was the last thing I expected. "I am such a klutz. You know me, two left feet." She smiled at me, and reached out to touch my face, her hand caressing my cheek. Her eyes softened as she stared at me with an expression that looked an awful lot like adoration, and she had the softest, sweetest smile on her face. "I just had the funniest thought though. If we get married, I'm going to be Laynie Blaney. Isn't that hilarious? I guess I'll just have to go by Alayna, even though no one really calls me that." She laughed again.

She was obviously confused. She had been knocked unconscious for a few moments. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she had a mild concussion.

I took her hand that was on my cheek and placed it on my sweatshirt that was covering her wound. "You need to keep pressure on this. I'm going to call Erik." I said, ignoring her comment, as well as the butterflies raging war in my stomach.

She looked at me, now more confused than ever. "Erik? Why?" Her head slightly cocked to the side, her eyes questioning me.

"Because he's your boyfriend, and you need to get checked out. You're probably going to need stitches."

She giggled. "You are so silly Ryan. Erik is not my boyfriend. You are, and I love you." Then...she kissed me.

It was like a switch had suddenly flipped in my brain. This was not the first, or even second time Laynie and I had kissed. We had grown up together. Spent time at parties playing stupid teenage games together. Games that involved kissing. Make out sessions. We were just kids though. Never once during any of those kisses did I ever feel any sparks like I was feeling right now. What the hell? This was all wrong. She was my friend. She was with Erik. Erik was my friend. Yet despite all of that, I found myself kissing her back, getting lost in the moment and the feeling of her soft lips on mine. Her sweet taste going straight to my head, more potent than the strongest whiskey.

She broke off the kiss, almost reluctantly, and then realization washed over her face, which was flushed. "I'm so sorry Ryan. I don't know what that was. What even came over me. That was crazy. I don't know what I was thinking." She blushed, and all I could think was how pretty she was. "Please call Erik." She said softly, averting her blue gray eyes from mine.

So I called Erik. He sounded groggy when he answered, and I figured I had must have woken him up. He was instantly alert when I told him Laynie had been injured just outside of the drivers lot.

Within moments, Erik was running towards where I was sitting on the ground with Laynie, concern etched across his face.

"Are you okay baby?" He asked, dropping to the ground next to her and taking her hand. I felt a pang of jealousy over that simple gesture. What the hell is wrong with you Blaney? I thought to myself.

Laynie looked conflicted, so I spoke up. "She has a cut on her forehead that is probably going to need stitches and she most likely will need a cat scan. She hit her head pretty hard when she fell, and was actually knocked out cold for a few moments. She was also a little disoriented when she came to." I didn't mention that her initial confusion upon coming to where she thought that we were together. That had been an extremely awkward moment that Laynie seemed to be aware of right now. It didn't mean anything. She was confused, that's all. No reason to bring that up to Erik.

But why were my lips still tingling from our kiss though?

"Thanks for looking out for her Ryan. I really appreciate it. I'm so grateful you were here with her." Erik said, and a wave of guilt washed over me.

"Thanks Ry." Laynie said softly, looking from me, to Erik, and back at me, and I was certain at that moment that she felt what I was feeling. I was not imagining things because her eyes said it all.

Erik helped Laynie to her feet. She still looked a little shaky and off balance, so I helped Erik get her to the golf cart parked in front of his bus. He said he was taking her to the infield care center to get checked out.

"Let me know how she's doing." I said to Erik. I know it really wasn't any of my business, but she was my friend, and since I had been with her during her accident, I felt like I was invested. I just needed to know that she was really alright.

"Will do. Thanks again man." Erik said. I watched him drive off, and for a second, Laynie looked back at me. What had just happened between us?

Certainly not at all what I expected to happen when I got up early this morning and decided to go for a walk.

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