Chapter 12

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Ryan's POV

"As a member of Team Penske, I don't need to remind you that you are held to a higher standard." I couldn't help but tune out Tim Cindric, Team Penske president as he lectured me on conduct expected as a driver for the team.

This had been going on for at least an hour, and I still had not gotten to speak, therefore, I allowed my mind to wander. All I could think about was Laynie and how much I hated leaving her this morning. Waking up next to her was a dream come true. My head was filled with visions of watching her sleep. The chestnut waves spread out around her face like a halo, spilling across her bare shoulders. The impossibly long, dark eyelashes fanned out above her cheekbones. The light smattering of freckles across the bridge of her irresistibly cute button nose. Her smooth, flawless skin. The lush pink lips begging to be kissed. When she woke up and looked at me with those sleepy blue gray eyes, I thought about those glorious curves that I wanted more time to explore. I was getting aroused just thinking about her, and this was not the time nor the place. I was completely gone. I had it bad for her. I hated that I had to leave a beautiful, naked woman in bed alone to come here and be lectured. I had to make a hasty exit this morning because I was on the verge of saying 'fuck it,' and crawling back into bed. She had given me such a precious gift last night, and all I wanted to do was stay in bed with her all day and let her know how much I appreciated that. Yet here I was stuck in this meeting.

"Ryan, you are a key part of this organization, and with Brad most likely not re-signing his contract after this season, we expect you to set a better example for the new driver coming in to take his place. Fighting is not acceptable behavior for a Team Penske driver." Tim went on, and it was on the tip of my tongue to remind him of all the post race altercations Joey had been involved in. Brad too for that matter. Both of my teammates had been in actual fights before with very little repercussions. Both have had their turns as public enemy number one. Why was my altercation any different? Why was I seemingly held to a higher standard of conduct than Brad or Joey? Was it because l was the "nice guy?" "The respected one?" The "well liked one?" Of course Tim would say that about me setting a good example because his son would most likely be the one replacing Brad. Of course, none of this was public knowledge just yet.

"What exactly does Alayna Wilks have to do with any of this?" Roger asked, speaking for the first time since this meeting began. He had been perfectly content to let Tim run the show. Now, hearing Laynie's name snapped my attention back to the two men sitting at the conference table with disappointment written all over their faces. "Ryan, it's obvious that Erik Jones started everything. First by deliberately putting you in the grass, then by throwing the first punch. I'm not blaming you for confronting him, but I know he was annoyed with you for a reason and seeing Alayna try to get in the middle makes me believe that it was personal and that she was involved." Roger continued.

I had really hoped that we could have kept Laynie out of this, but that obviously wasn't going to happen. It was all over social media anyway, but I knew I had to tell the truth, give my version, but I also had to do whatever I could to protect her. Her name had been dragged through the mud enough by the media, and I'm sure Roger and Tim both knew enough of the story and the rumors and they were just trying to get my take. I just hoped none of this mess cost her her job. There was nothing in writing nor anything verbally saying that Penske employees could not date and I was going to use that to my advantage.

"None of this is Laynie's fault." I began, then spilled all, well, most of all of the details that had transpired over the past race week. When I finished, both Roger and Tim had a look of utter confusion written on their faces.

"So she was not your girlfriend to begin with?" Tim asked, eyebrows raised.

I shook my head no. "Is she going to lose her job over this? Please tell me that's not going to happen. She loves working here, and she is very good at what she does. I would be willing to sign a non-disclosure agreement if necessary, I'm sure she would have no problem with that as well." I practically pleaded with them.

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