Chapter 13

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I clung tightly to Ryan's hand as we entered my parents' sprawling Lake Norman home. We both needed each other's support because I had a suspicion that my dad was not going to go easy on either of us. My dad had liked Erik, even though he gave him a hard time in the very beginning. Now I had to own up to the fact that I had cheated on him with Ryan and most likely confess that to both my and Ryan's parents. I was mortified to be honest.

Before we even had a chance to greet everyone seated in the large living room, my dad stood before us and stared first at our entwined hands, then up at Ryan and me. "So I guess the rumors are true then. You two are together. No wonder Erik went off. Did you at least have the decency to break it off with him, or was it all behind his back like everyone is speculating?" Yikes. He didn't pull any punches. The way he was looking at me with such disappointment told me he already knew. It was a gut punch because never in my life had I ever done anything to disappoint my parents.

I looked around the room, and all eyes were on Ryan and me. My dad and mom, and Ryan's parents Dave and Lisa watching, waiting. Making me feel like I was under a microscope. I was then becoming angry by the judgemental looks we were receiving. Fine then. No reason to sugarcoat it. "It's true. I cheated on Erik with Ryan. I had every intention of telling him after the race, but unfortunately, he found out before I got the chance to tell him." I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, anticipating everyone's reaction.

"I would have expected this more from your sister than you, Laynie." My father finally spoke.

"Are you saying you expect Alyssa to cheat on her boyfriend?" My remark was a bit childish, and maybe a bit smart assed, but his comment had pissed me off. He didn't need to bring Alyssa's name into this.

"No. That's not what I'm saying Alayna. Don't twist my words around. I simply meant that Alyssa was a bit wild. More headstrong, but you, you were..."

"What? The 'good one?'" I interrupted, using air quotes for emphasis.

He sighed. "Frankly, yes. You were the one who never gave us a lick of trouble. We could always count on you to be responsible and mindful. When did this happen? How long has this been going on between the two of you?"

We all took a seat in the living room, and I realized I would have to start from the beginning. Taking a deep breath, I began. "The first morning after we arrived in Daytona. I fell, busted my head open and got a concussion. I was a bit confused thinking that..."

"Wait a minute...You got injured and got a concussion? When the hell were you going to tell us about this. Do you realize how serious concussions are Laynie? And what does Ryan have to do with any of this?"My father interrupted me sternly. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Now I was going to have to go into even more detail. The thought made me cringe.

"Ryan was with me when I fell. He took care of me." I squeezed his hand, and went back to the beginning of the story, starting with my restless state that morning and deciding to take a walk, all the way through to where Ryan and I realized we were having real feelings for each other. I also made it well know that I had sought medical treatment for the forehead gash as well as the concussion and assured them that I was fine and had no lingering effects. I didn't mention my other injuries stemming from the fight however.

When I finished, everyone was speechless, until Dave spoke, directing his attention to Ryan, his tone was also stern. "I never would have imagined you would be one to get into a brawl with another competitor, son."

"I had no intention of fighting him dad. I wanted him to know that I was unhappy that he wrecked me, but then he threw the first punch. Was I supposed to not fight back?" Ryan said in an annoyed tone.

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