Chapter 7

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I stepped out of the bus and into the pouring rain. I was instantly soaked to the bone, but at that point, I really didn't care. I knew I could crash for the night with Alyssa and Alex, but instead, I made my way to Ryan's bus. I honestly wasn't sure if it was rain or tears running down my face. Probably both.

I hesitated for only a moment before knocking on the door.

"Laynie, what's going on?" He asked.

"Can I stay here tonight." I choked out.

"Yes. Of course you can. Come in and get out of the rain" He said, pulling me through the doorway and shutting the door behind me. "What happened?"

"Erik knows." I said, my voice cracking.

"You told him?"

"No. He saw us." I sobbed.

"Damn. I'm sorry Laynie. That's the last way either of us wanted him to find out. How did he take it?"

"Angry. Hurt. About what you would expect." I sighed.

He then looked at the growing puddle of water on his floor coming from my clothing. "C'mon. You're soaked. You need to get out of those wet clothes before you get sick. You know where the bathroom is."

I nodded. "Do you mind if I take a shower?"

"Of course not. Make yourself at home." He kissed my forehead.

I let the hot water pour over me and I cried until I had no tears left. Then, I just felt numb and completely void of even an ounce of energy. I just wanted to curl up into a ball and lock the rest of the world away.

"Can I get you anything? Coffee? A drink? Something to eat?" Ryan asked me after I had gotten out of the shower. I shook my head no. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I sat down next to him on the couch and buried myself in his warmth. "It was heart wrenching Ry. He saw us right as I left here earlier. I had told him I was helping Alyssa with something, but he ran into her while he was walking around and knew that I had lied to him, then he saw us together. He confronted me when I got back to the bus, so I told him everything. I hated how he found out. I wanted to be the one to tell him. He was really upset when I told him I was planning on telling him when we got back home."

"I know it's of very little consolation, but at least he knows now. It's over with. I know that you hated how he found out, but we can't go back and change that. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I never should have talked you out of telling him sooner. That's on me."

"Don't blame yourself Ry. I could have told him, but I chose not to. I just hope he doesn't take it out on you, like on the track."

"No. I know Erik. He would never deliberately take someone out of a race, especially not on a super speedway. He knows how dangerous that is."

"Regardless, just watch your back please."

"I promise, but I don't think I have to worry about him retaliating during the race. But if it makes you feel better, I will make sure I give him plenty of space on the track."

"Thank you. That does make me feel a little better. I'm still nervous about tomorrow. I'm going to keep my distance as well. I don't want to do anything to possibly set him off."

"That's probably a good idea. Are you sure you don't need anything?"

"Just you." I replied, snuggling even tighter against him.

"We should probably get some sleep. Big day tomorrow. If you want, I can take the couch or..." He began.

"No. I just want you to hold me. I don't want to be alone."

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