<1: The Beginning>

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 Y/N PoV

I was just about to end my stream when someone knocked on my door.

'Who is it?!' I asked clearly annoyed

'Hey! No need to be rude about it!' Shouted the other person

I instantly recognized the voice to be my 9 year old kid brother. I sighed and told my chat goodbye and that I would stream tomorrow, as the stream ended my brother walked into the room.

'Mom said to take me to the park!' He said excitedly 

'Tell her I said no' I said turning back to my desk

'Mom! They said no!' He yelled up the stairs as my room is in the basement.

I heard foot steps coming down the stairs, they were heavy, and she was mad. I panicked and got out my unfinished school work so I would have a reason to not go to the park.

'Take your brother to the park!' My mom yelled as she came into my room

'I have to do school work!' I yelled back at her

'When's it due?' She asked rolling her eyes

'Tomorrow.' I said hesitantly

'Fine, stay home but you're taking him to the park tomorrow.' She said going back up the stairs with my brother

I just rolled my eyes and went back to doing the assignment, it was algebra, I hate algebra. I sighed and got to work

Time skip

It was about 6:30 when I finished my homework the sun was almost out of sight, as I looked out my window to see the beautiful oranges, pinks, reds, and yellows painting the sky. I sighed, it was beautiful, I wish that I could say that about me. The moment was ruined by the sound of my mom calling me up for dinner, I sighed once again and walked up the stairs. When I got into the dining room, my younger sister named Chloe who was 15, asked me if I wanted to record a Minecraft Manhunt seeing as she was a Dream simp. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

'Yeah sure whatever.' I said walking up to my mom and getting my food.

I was headed down to my room when I heard someone yell 'No! You're eating up here! Stop being anti-social!' I sighed and went back up the stairs. My older brother Jason who was biologically a female but transgender, was sitting on the couch, my mom was sitting at the dining table, my grandma was sitting in her rocking chair, my kid brother was eating at the kiddy table, my younger sister was on the other couch, and I didn't want the fan to blow in my face when I was trying to eat, so I sat on the stairs that went up to my grandma's room, the laundry room, one of the bathrooms, and my brother's room. I sat on the stairs and ate my food, rather quickly if I do say so myself.

After I was done eating I headed back down to my bedroom and closed the door, my family didn't know that I was a streamer, nor that I had money in my bank account. I looked at the pills sitting on my desk and sighed.

'Not today, not today' I whispered to myself

I sat up on my bed and went over to my easel wondering what to paint, I had many paintings on my walls. I was painting what I wish my desk looked like

It looked like this: 

(This is my actual desk, leave me alone-)

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(This is my actual desk, leave me alone-)

I went back to my bed and laid down.

'I can't believe I did that in only 2 hours' I said to myself.

I took a picture and sent it to my best friend Sal.


Dude! That looks amazing! How long did it take to paint?!!


2 hours, I'm surprised it only took that long, normally things like that would've taken me a day or 2


2 DAYS!!? FOR A PAINTING!!? Wow, that's a long time, I would lose my patience lol


Yea, hey, u wanna ft?


Fuck yea!

                                                                   Sal                                                                                                                                    ✅     ❌ 

I immediately answered the call 

(Y/N is in bold)



Anyway you wanna see all my art?



I show her all of my art around my room


Y/N! Those are amazing!

I guess, nothing compared to what I've seen though

What do you mean!?! Those are like top tier bro!



I put the camera up to my eye


Hello small morsel

Y/n, I'm taller than you-

Stop, no your not


I said pretending to be offended. We both laugh and talk for another hour or so before Sal has to go to bed


Goodnight Y/n

Night Sal

Then I ended the call and went to sleep.

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