<9: Bad Times>

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Y/n PoV

"Y/n Y/n lookie what I have!" 

I looked at them with their short black hair, it was adorable and fluffy.

"What do you have Alex?" I asked genuinely curious

"Bunny!" He said moving his hands in front of him holding a dead rabbit. I tried not to gag at the sight, as I didn't want Alex to feel bad.

"Where'd ya get it?" I asked putting a hand on the shorter's shoulder

"Over there, from the bunny hole!" He exclaimed pointing at a rabbit's hole.

"How about we put it back?" 

"Okie" Alex gleefully put the rabbit back into the hole.

Alex turned around with his usual happy face.

Then everything was black

Then white

I looked around and saw Alex, with cuts all over his arms, I remember this... Alex looked at me with a fearful manic face, laughing. I looked at him in shock, he had a knife in his hand, a bloody one.

"Yyyyyy/nnnnnn~" he said, almost in a flirtatious tone

"I knew you were crazy since the moment we met! You killed that rabbit, then my dog!" I yelled at him to attempt to shock him.

"Oh y/n, sweet sweet y/n, I never liked animals" He said now approaching me.

"Alex, you don't have to do this!" I said trying to humanize him, show him he was loved

"Y/n you've always been silly" Alex laughed an evil laugh raising his bloodied knife to stab me

"Please Alex!" I said now crying. He seemed to snap out of it and dropped the knife. He fell to the ground in shock that he had almost killed me.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry Y-y-/n" 

"What was that?"

"I, I don't know. I was recently diagnosed with B.P. 1 though." He said trailing off

I was brought back to reality by someone calling my name

"Y/n? Y/nnnnnn, we're at the hospital to visit Alex ya'know!" It was Kirill

"Yes, yes, I know" I walked to the hospital door


He was awake! But seemed lost in thought? He was swearing under his breath for some reason, then his shoulder twitched? What?

Alex PoV

(Alex is in bold Italics)

Shut up shut up shut up shut up!!


Your loud





Both of you shut it!


Zero! Shut up!

I look up and see that the others are here staring at me like I'm crazy.

"Oh hello, sorry I was lost in thought" I said fake smiling

"Hm, I don't know" Y/F/N Said skeptically

"No, it's fine" I reassured them

"Anyway, you're all clear to come home!" Y/n said smiling, I smiled back as a friend would.

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