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(Okay, sorry the past chapters have been R E A L L Y childish, but I PROMISE the chapters after this won't be)

Y/n PoV

Me and Ranboo have been streaming together a lot more lately and it seems I'm starting to like him as more than 'just a friend'. I don't think he likes me back though.

🤍 Ranboi 🖤

🤍 Ranboi 🖤

Hey n/n!



🤍 Ranboi 🖤

How long have u been in russia


Almost a year, stop being so ImPaTiEnT

🤍 Ranboi 🖤

I'm nottt anyway I gotta go bye


By :(

I sighed, he just thinks of me as a friend and nothing more.


X2nd person PoVX

You keep streaming with Ranboo, not knowing if he secretly has a crush on you as well. You spend your last months in Russia just thinking of how it's come to this, how you started as a small YouTuber at the age of 10, and now you're a pretty well known streamer and you're 16. 'Has it really been 6 years? 6 years of YouTube and Twitch? Wow, I've come so far, and yet, I've still just barely started my life. 6 years of a homophobic family that I left behind. Glad I'm here now, but will I be glad to go back to America? I don't know, nor do I care right now. Right now I'm fairly happy and that's all that matters!' You think to yourself. '2 more weeks 'til we return to America, maybe I live near Ranboo?' You think as you slip into a peaceful slumber.


Your peace was interrupted by the sound of your VERY annoying ringtone, someone was calling you. You picked up the phone and saw that it read.

🤍 Ranboi 🖤

✅          ❌

You answered it immediately to be met by his soothing voice <God that made me uncomfy when I wrote it :p> 

Ranboo: hello y/n

Y/n: hey Ranboo, why'd ya call? Isn't it like midnight there

Ranboo: yeah, but I'm bored

Y/n: so you just need human contact is what you're tellin' me?

Ranboo: yep

Y/n:lol ok

You and Ranboo when on to talk like that until he fell asleep.

<super lazy bc I'm tired from swimming and I'm going to an event tomorrow so I'm just messed up all kinds of tired, hydrate or diedrate lovelies <3)

Please Don't Go... (Ranboo x Suicidal They/Them Reader!) ||Discontinued||Where stories live. Discover now