<5: Arriving in Russia>

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Heyooo! That's my cat in the picture- he BIG floof!

Y/n PoV

3 months passed really quickly and it was the day before I had to get on a flight, I was packing the stuff I would need such as;

▵10 shirts (1 Tubbo shirt, 1 Dream Sweatshirt, 2 T-shirts, and 1 Ranboo hoodie, 1 Techno sweatshirt, 1 Non-Binary sweatshirt, 2 long sleeved shirts, and 1 piece of your own merch)

▵10 pairs of pants, mostly blue jeans

▵ Toiletries




▵3 pairs of shoes (one white, one black, and one purple)

▵A pocket knife

▵A poster of Ranboo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

▵ A fluffy blanket for Polina

▵A Dream plushy for Sal

▵A sketchbook for Alex

▵and a mini fridge for (Y/F/N)

▵My tablet

That was most of it anyway, I packed your suitcases, and realized I have an easel and paints how am I supposed to go a year without painting? I packed the easel and paints safely in their own suitcase. I then payed on my bed and went to sleep.


I woke up in a FaNcY bed my chest hurt like hell, I looked down and I was wearing somebody else's clothes

'What the fuck' I said to myself quietly lifting my shirt and seeing bandages wrapped around my torso and some blood seeping out. I looked around but there was nobody in sight to tell me what had happened, until I looked down underneath me... there he was, the pig man who had almost killed me! How did I not notice his arms wrapped around my waist?! He realized I was awake and pulled me back down.

'Rest' he said quietly no louder than a whisper. I obeyed and payed down back to sleep. When I woke up again he was gone, and I was laying underneath the covers all bundles up, when I sat up and looked out the window I saw that there was snow, I frowned at the idea of snow.

'Oh, you're awake.' I heard a voice say, I looked over to see the pig man at the doorway, I scowled at him for almost killing me.

'Hey, I saved your life' he protested

'After you almost ended it' I said looking down

'Fair point, but we need to change your bandages' He said walking over. I instantly protested and tried to get out of the situation, it was no use, he lifted my shirt off and unwrapped the bandages. I saw how bad the stab wound really was just looking at it made me sick. He quickly wrapped new bandages on the wound and put my shirt back on, he then walked out of whatI assumed was his room. I felt him smirk evilly as he left, something wasn't right, but I couldn't leave due to my wound. That bitch knew! He knew that he was going to miss, in fact he did it on purpose! He wanted me to trust him, to think he changed! But he didn't, he's still evil.

I woke up from the dream to my alarm I had set to wake me up for the flight, I quickly get dressed and head to the airport. When I arrived at the airport Sal and Alex were waiting for me and (Y/F/N) who showed up just a few minutes after me. Our flight was called, we boarded, ya know all the boring stuff.

Please Don't Go... (Ranboo x Suicidal They/Them Reader!) ||Discontinued||Where stories live. Discover now