<10: Ranboo Says Stuff>

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<Tysm for 500+ reads, ya'll crazy, I didn't think anyone would actually read this piece of shit book, sorry last chapter I didn't say anything at the end it was 3 am :/. Anyway this book is gonna have like 25+ chapters so yea :D. <3  >

Y/n PoV

It has now been 2 days since we brought Alex home and Toby and Shane are coming today so they can move into a spare room we have on the second floor. Alex has been active weird lately, like he's been a lot more introverted, like a lot, he also seems to talk to himself and he'll say things like 'shut up' 'go away' 'you're so annoying', Sal thinks he's insane. Sometimes he just walks around the house mumbling things to himself, not gonna lie, it's kinda creepy. 

"ALEX! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!!" I hear a familiar voice scream, it was Polina. I ran to where I heard the scream from and was utterly confused. Alex had been...tickling Polina? 

"Al? What the fuck. You never tickle people." I said prying Alex away from a suffocating Polina.

"What? I always tickle people?" He said tilting his head

"Hm ok" I said now walking to the kitchen for some (drink of your choice). I slowly started to drink my drink when there was a knock at the door. Sal sprang up from where she sat in the living room and opened the door.

"TOBYYYYYYY! It's been so longgggggg" Sal said wrapping Toby in her arms smiling

"Yeah" Toby mumbled

"Anyway, where are we gonna be staying?" Toby asked

"Well, there's a spare room if you could just follow me" Sal said walking to the spare room.


"Alex? You're acting weird..." Toby looked beyond confused on why Alex was talking to himself

"Oh don't worry, he's been like this since he got out of the hospital" Y/F/N said walking down to the 'lounge'

"E ok?" Toby was still utterly confused and looked at me who just sat there in the hallway on my phone. I looked up and met Toby's gaze

"Yes?" I asked not breaking eye contact


I walked to my streaming room, I was going to do a bedwars stream because why not? It's been so long since I've played bedwars. 

<skipping the stream because I just woke up and I'm fucking tired>

I just finished the stream and was heading down to my room to scroll through Twitter like I normally do on a Saturday night. I was scrolling around through the fanart of me and my friends, edits etc. when I got a notification:

'Ranboosaystuff has followed you' <I don't use twitter That often so tell me if I'm wrong->

'Ranboo? Your kidding? Yeah probably just for a bit or something' I thought to myself as I followed him back 'why wasn't I already following him?' I asked myself. Right as I was about to get off of my phone I got another notification.

Ranboosaystuff: Helo?

Y/U/N: Uh....hi?

Ranboosaystuff: you wanna do a stream together sometime :)

Y/u/n: sure, I gotta go to bed it's late :/

Ranboosaystuff: k gn

<I wrote this chapter in a rush :/ anyway hydrate or diedrate lovelies <3  >

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