<7: Kirill has a Crush 😏>

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⚠️ TW: Car hits person ⚠️

(It fucking deleted the entire fucking chapter-)


I woke up the next morning and went up stairs where I found Polina and Alex making Russian Pancakes for breakfast, I smiled at the thought of them together, like if they started dating. I found Sal and Y/F/N sitting at the table waiting for me to come sit next to them, I gladly did so.

Sal: so, did you hear?

Y/n: hear what?

Alex: Y/n it's not true

Y/n: what isn't true?

Y/F/N: Alex has a crush on Polina

I snickered at this and wiggled my eyebrows at Alex who looked away red. Soon enough breakfast was done and Alex and Polina came to sit with us. Me, Sal, and Y/F/N ate like we were dying, while Alex and Polina were acting like actual civilized humans. Once we were done eating Polina told us we were going to visit her brother, she told us we would be spending the night, then leaving the next morning, and we also had 30 minutes to get ready.


We arrived at his house Alex looked at it in awe.


Polina: yup, he is

Polina went up to the door and opened it yelling as loud as she could 'I'm home!'. We all laughed at her and got out of the car. Once we were all at his door he walked up and shook each of our hands except mine, he kissed mine as I glared at him as he walked us in. He gave us a tour of his house and showed us to our rooms, mine looked like this;

 He gave us a tour of his house and showed us to our rooms, mine looked like this;

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I looked at it in awe as Kirill chuckled.

Kirill: Just tell me if you need anything ;)

Y/n: whatever

Kirill was really getting on my nerves at this point, I don't even want to be here.


After a while of unpacking and setting my laptop up, since I didn't wanna bring an entire PC set up for one night, Polina came to my room and told me we were going somewhere. I nodded and followed her out to where Kirill stood with the others. He smiled at the sight of me, not a soft happy smile, more of a smile that said 'hey I like you'. I rolled my eyes at him.

Alex: I decided that we're going to the Kazan Kremlin.

Sal: what's that?

Y/F/N: a historical site thing I think.

Kirill: that would be correct. Anyway, we're just going there for a little bit, ok?

All: ok!

And we were off to the Kazan Kremlin.


Once we arrived we split into pairs, the pairs were;

Y/n and Kirill

Alex and Polina

Y/F/N and Sal

Once the other two groups were gone Kirill looked at me with an evil smirk, and before I could say anything he pulled me into a kiss. The moment he pulled away I punched him in the gut, I was so mad at him, I barely knew him except for his role play character. Kirill had called to the floor and was now coughing up blood, and that got me kicked out of the Kazan Kremlin while Kirill had to go to the doctor. I walked around Kazan for a bit before I got a call from Sal asking where I was.

Y/n: uh yeah I'm at *******

Sal: ok, don't move we're coming, be there in 10

Y/n: ok

And with that I hung up. I waited about thirty minutes before I started to get worried, "why aren't they here? Did something happen to them? Did they go to visit Kirill first?" I thought to myself in a wave of panic before Sal showed up with a sad look on her face.

Y/n: what's wrong?

Sal: Alex, he- he...

Y/n in a worried tone: what? What happened to Alex

Sal: well, he uhm, he was walking with us to come get you, and he got- he got...

Sal was now sobbing from whatever happened to one of her best friends

Y/n: it's ok Sal, take your time <:)

Sal: he got hit by a car, and they said there was a very slim chance of him living...

I stood there shocked, Alex was one of my best friends since childhood, along with Sal, and now he was.... Gone?

(Perfect ending to a perfect chapter! Anyway hydrate or diedrate lovelies)

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