<13: Manhunt>

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<The Manhunt is hereeeeeeeee>

Y/n PoV:

I logged onto Minecraft and made a server so we could do a 3v1 manhunt, I grabbed my F/d (favorite drink) and got comfy. I gave Toby, Noah, and Jessica the IP address so they could be the hunters. Once we were all in I started the stream and the Manhunt started.

<Time skip brought to you by the Mumza Supremacy Cult>

I laughed as Jess screeched when I hit her into the lava.


Toby then attempted to punch me into the lava but I clutched it, barely, I almost died to fall damage.


Once I got into the stronghold, I went into the Portal Room and opened the portal, but I didn't go in, instead I dug into a wall and crouched. The hunters soon came in and went into the end assuming I had already went into the portal. I got the stuff for an enchantment table and some lapis, then enchanted my armour and weapons. Once I entered the End, Toby was getting killed by endermen, Jess was trying to help him, and Noah just sat there laughing at them, I used this to my advantage and shot the End Crystals, I had all but one of them when they noticed me. I towered up against the obsidian pillar and hit the crystal, then jumping down as the others went up.

I was soon running for my life at 3 hearts, I was standing at the edge of the island, being surrounded by the hunters, I used my only enderpearl and pearled across the island. I killed the enderdragon right as I was killed by Jess.

Noah: So who wins?

Toby: wouldn't it be Y/n?

Jess: no it was definitely me.

Y/n: Noah, you're an honest soul, look in the chat, what happened first?

Noah: lemme seeeeeeeeeee........Y/n won!!


Toby: hahahaha

Y/n: POGGG! You guys can each have $100 in USD since Jess killed me, only because I'm nice. Ok chat, I'm gonna go to bed now, I'll stream in the morning.

Then I logged off.


I was just about to go to sleep when I remembered I was gonna stream with Ranboo, I had promised that MONTHS ago!! Oh god. I grabbed my phone as if it was the only thing keeping me alive, and then messaged Ranboo.


K gn

Jun 25 2021 12:00 AM


Omfg dude I'm so sorry, I completely 

forgot, I just got super busy


It's fine I saw you were streaming that

 manhunt earlier though


Yeah, I can stream in about an hour?



And after that I decided I was going to try and get an hour of sleep.

<Timeskip brought to you by Tubbo's bees>

I woke up to my annoying alarm clock, I was about to doze back to sleep when I remembered I promised THE Ranboo I was going to stream with him. I quickly got ready to stream and then logged onto Minecraft and messaged Ranboo.





Hi, I'm ready to stream, but wut we gonna stream?


I was thinking we could stream a new game called Blood in The Night


Pog what's it about?


A multiplayer horror game that takes place in the 

middle of the night, and the night keeps repeating over 

and over, the only one who know it's happening are the players

<I made this game up because I'm dumb :p>


Sounds pog



<1 hour into the stream because I'm lazy>

Y/n:....why? Why did John betray ussssssss?!

Ranboo: hegdhauwbdj


Ranboo: ok enough with the 'e's

Y/n: oh does Ranboo have a crush now?

Ranboo: nonono

<The stream ended when they died for the 15th time :p, so aFtEr the stream>

Y/n: that was fun

Ranboo: you wanna stream together more often?

Y/n: yeah sure, but it's 4 in the morning for me so I gotta go

Ranboo: bye

Y/n: byte

And with that I hung up and went to bed

<I was listening to my Minecraft discs while I made this so leave me alone :p hydrate or diedrate lovelies <3)

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