<17: Back to America>

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<hello I just woke up and school starts in 2 days!.....yAyYy. Anyway, sorry the past chapters were childish- oh yeah! Fun fact that video is Technoblade's first video (that I found on his channel)>

<yellow, this is me a week later and apparently Technoblade has cancer :(>

!Time skip to back to America brought to you by the Ranboo Supremacy Cult! 

Y/n PoV

Today We're going back to America, Polina said she couldn't come because she has important stuff in Russia she needs to do. I'm packing my bags right now and getting ready for the flight home! Ranboo said he would meet me at the Airport after I told him which one it was. The only thing I'm going to hate is being jet lagged, I love my sleep. I'm ran upstairs and so the others getting the stuff into the car.

Alex: c'mon dudeeeeeeee

Sal: I knowwwwwwwww

Polina just face palmed and kept getting the car loaded

Sal: oh hey Y/n! Go get your stuff we need to put it in the car!

Y/n: yeah yeah I know

I went back down and got my stuff, I can't believe a year has gone by already! We got all packed up and got into the car.

<Timeskip brought to you by People who want cancer gone>

When we arrived at the air port in California, we got our bags and started going out to the car, Ranboo said he would meet me here, so I told my friends to just take my bags for me.


Y/n: ahdhdiwjdjskndskod! 

I turned around and immediately hugged the man.

Y/n: Ranbitch!

Ranboo: short child!

Y/n: I am NOT short!

Ranboo: yes you are

Y/n: at least I don't look like a fucking tree!

Ranboo: correction, EnDeRmAn

We laughed it off and went outside to Sal's car.

Y/n: hello guys, I have someone for you to meet!


Y/n: he's not my boyfriend! And it's Ranboo-

Ranboo: hello

Alex: hello Oreo boy!

Ranboo got in the car (sus) and we went to an icecream shop so we could talk to Ranboo before he had to go. We said our goodbyes to him and went to the house Sal's friend said we could stay in since it was their extra house since they were rich. We all got settled in and went to bed

<this was very rushed, sorry about that>

Please Don't Go... (Ranboo x Suicidal They/Them Reader!) ||Discontinued||Where stories live. Discover now