<3: Viewers are Strange>

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(Ranboo PoV)

I was watching Y/N's stream when someone donated $20 and asked about their grandpa and dad, I have to say, I was a little curious as well, but isn't that a little personal? I think to myself noticing Y/N isn't walking anymore. I get slightly worried when they don't move for five minutes while their friend is snapping in their face saying 'Earth to Y/N!' Over and over. After 5 more minutes of their friend snapping in their face they finally say 'Sorry, I was just thinking' I don't believe that, but everybody else thinks it's fine, so I just brush it off. The next thing I know their asking for one last donation, so I went and donated $100 to make them feel a little better about their day, and then the stream ends. Once the stream is over, I go over to my PC and start streaming even though it's 6:00 pm and I'll have to eat dinner soon.

(Y/N PoV)

It's the day after we went to the cemetery and I still can't believe Ranboo donated to ME out of all people. I look over at my bedside table, seeing the pills I had left on it, I then heard a knock on my door knowing it was my mother I grabbed the pills and slipped them into the drawer then walked over to the door and opened it.

'You didn't take your brother to the park yesterday' she snapped

'I forgot ok?!' I said trying not to get slapped

'Whatever, bring him to the park, you have an hour' she said rudely 

'FiNe' you mumbled under your breath as your mom left.

I walked over to my desk and grabbed my IPad, then opened IbisPaint and started to draw a character, she was a fallen Angel with broken wings and blood pouring out of her empty sockets.  I then decide to watch some Alex Anomoly but got bored after watching their Roadtrip time lapse, So then I went to watch (Y/F/YT) (your favorite youtuber) you watched them for about half an hour before you started getting ready to take your brother to the park. I got dressed and wore Tubbo merch with some black jeans and your white shoes. I walked up the stairs to be met by my brother playing around, there was 10 minutes before we had to go so I decided I was going to do a vlog with my brother and Sal if she wanted to, I texted Sal and asked.

(Y/n is in bold)


Hey, u wanna do a vlog with me and my brother in like 20 mins?


I wish I could but I have to go somewhere with my family :((


That's ok, I hope u have a nice gime


Gime!?! XDDDD





And with that you Texted your friend Alex (乁( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ㄏ)

(You know the drill Y/n is bold)


Hey Al?

🏳️‍⚧️Alex 🏳️‍🌈

What? Is it about Doritos?


No- anyway I was wondering if you wanted to be my camera man for my stream in 12 minutes?


Sure, but where are u going? And am I gonna use ur camera or mine?


It doesn't matter, and we're going to Redstone Park 


Ok, I'll use my camera, see u then!

With that I turned off my phone and started walking my brother to the park

                                                   ▵Timeskip bc idk▵


We started the stream, and the first 10 minutes was mostly me telling my brother to behave and us laughing and talking while I pushed him on the swings. After that my brother went to the waiting pool and we watched him while I was talking to my stream, then a dono came up.

ByrdieGoFlyy donated $20

Hey Y/U/N! Do you like Ranboo?

I was shocked by the sudden Ranboo question, I put up a finger signaling I would answer in a minute as I had to check on my brother, he was splashing around with the other kids.

'Uh, no, I do not like Ranboo as anything more than a streamer' I said lying. 

After about 30 more minutes of donos we started to head home, and when we got home I asked Al to pretend like it was a school project. Once we were past my parents we slipped into my room and continued the stream.

'Sorry about that, my family hates streamers' I said flopping on my bed.

'We're taking donos guys! We wanna answer your questions!' Al said into the camera.

ImARooster donated $5

HIII! Uhhhhhh...When are you moving out?

'Hi to you too Mr. Rooster! And I'm moving out in 3 months, then when I..or should I say we get enough money me, Al, Sal, and (Y/f/n) (your friend's name)are all moving to Russia for a year then we're coming back and we're gonna move in with Sal for a few months, then after that we're gonna have our own house we share.' I said remembering that I had enough money to go to Russia now but I needed to finish school.

RanbooLive donated $200

You sound like you're quite the busy person Y/N, maybe this will help :)

'Ranboooooo! Stahp giving them so much moneyyyyyyyy' Al said pretending to be annoyed

'Ranboo- why? And yes, I am a very busy person, I legit have to take care of my brother bc my mom is a drunk bitch, but oh well, idrc about her' you said shrugging your shoulders.







Lol Ranboo






Ranboo My Beloved 


Guys plz we were doing something-

I chuckled at the chat.

'Last Dono before we end stream because it's like...time for Al to go....?' I said looking at Alex

Mamamiamario donated $20

You and Ranboo should collab sometime before you go to Russia! Also why are you even going to Russia?

'Maybe me and Ranboo will do a collab, and the reason I'm going to Russia is because I have a friend there named Polina, I lived in Russia when I was 10 for about two years then we came back to America and me and Polina have been planing a meet up, she streams at PolinaGamerrr. Check her out! And that's gonna wrap up the stream byeeeeeeee' and just like that we ended the stream.

(Sorry this chapter was so long, but ya know? Anyway Hydrate or diedrade! Byeeeeee)

Please Don't Go... (Ranboo x Suicidal They/Them Reader!) ||Discontinued||Where stories live. Discover now