<2: Flashback>

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(Y/N) PoV

I woke up and stretched, realizing I had fallen asleep in my clothes again. I sigh and change into a better outfit

 I sigh and change into a better outfit

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I decided it was good enough, since I was just gonna wear them to stream, then change into my pj's

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I decided it was good enough, since I was just gonna wear them to stream, then change into my pj's. I walked over to my desk where my camera was sitting and grabbed it. I texted Sal;


Hey Sal, wanna be my camera man for my stream?


Is that even a question?! Fuck yeah!


Great! When do you want me to come over?


Right now is good, my mom and dad are at work, so yeah :D

I told my mom that I was going over to Sal's house to help her with a project since my family is against streamers except for my older brother, and younger sister. I went over to Sal's house and walked in yelling 


Sal's PoV

I was sitting in my room waiting for (Y/N) to show up when I hear someone yelling 'I'M HOME!' I run downstairs immediately hugging (Y/N), they laughed and pushed me off of them.

'So what are we doing for the stream?'I asked

'So basically we're gonna go to the cemetery.' They say handing me the camera

'OoO, sPoOkY' I say laughing

Time skip to the cemetery 

(Y/N) PoV

'We're finally here chat!' I say sighing in relief because I don't have to walk a lot more if I didn't want to. Sal just laughed at it and read a donation on her phone

'Thank you for the 20 dollars Kimbo!' She says

'Why don't we ever see your dad or grandpa?' She said reading the dono

I stopped dead in my tracks remembering how my mom and dad used to fight


I woke up to my mom and dad screaming and yelling at each other, when I ran out of my room to see what was going on, my dad hit my mom with a full beer bottle. I looked at my older sister who was standing there shocked, my mom punched my dad in the face causing his nose to bleed. My dad was clearly pissed off at this and grabbed his hiking boot and hit my mom in the face with it, I'm pretty sure it almost or did break her nose. The fight lasted about another hour until my mom gave up and went outside, my dad looked at me and my sister and went back to his room. I looked at my sister and she said we should just go back to bed and act like nothing happened as to not get in trouble. I woke up the next morning and my mom was in her room packing her stuff and said

'We're leaving' quietly since it was still morning.

I went back to the room I shared with my older sister and brother, noticing that my sister wasn't there, I just brushed it off thinking that she was probably in the bathroom or something. When me,my mom, and my brother were done packing my mom got in her car and we went to my grandma's house. When I asked my mom why we left my sister she said

'She wanted to be with your father' and walked into my grandma's house

(Please be aware, that was inspired by my childhood, and I wish my older brother and younger sister the best futures. The older sister and brother in that flashback, are actually the same person in real life, and my little sister was born at the time but she barely remembers that, my younger brother wasn't born because he was born when I was 7, and that happened when I was like 2-4.)

I was brought back to the present by someone snapping in my face

'Y/N?! Y/N! EARTH TO Y/N!' Sal said as I looked at her noticing that she had set the camera down

'Y/N! You're back! You were standing there for 10 minutes!' Sal said the worry disappearing from her face

'Sorry, I was just thinking' I said forcing a smile.

We continued the stream until 5:00 pm when I had to go back home.

'One last dono before we go? Anyone?' I said looking at the camera

RanbooLive donated $100

I hope you have a great day!!

Sal read the dono out loud not realizing what she had just read

'Oh my god! Thank you Ranboo for the $100!' I said trying to not panic

'Oh...my...god...' Sal said as we ended the stream for a perfect cliffhanger.

'I CAN'T BELIEVE RANBOO DONATED TO YOU!!' Sal said jumping up and down

'I'm still in shock' I said as we walked out of the cemetery 

We talked for a bit more until Sal's house came up and she went inside. I stopped smiling now that I didn't have to fake it for anyone I put my hood on and put my hands in my pockets. I proceeded walking home kicking pebbles as I went along. When I got home I went down to my room, changed into my pjs and went to bed.

Please Don't Go... (Ranboo x Suicidal They/Them Reader!) ||Discontinued||Where stories live. Discover now