First Mission

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You felt the ship slow and lurch lightly as the Havoc Marauder carefully landed on the surface of Felucia. Lifting your restraints, you watched as the soldiers gave their gear one last look over before lowering the ramp of their ship. Hunter approached you, his face hidden by his helmet.

"Remember, this is an extremely delicate mission. We should be in and out quickly, but if we aren't, don't contact us. The last thing we want is a signal traced back to any of us, including you." He said. You looked at him worriedly.

"But what if there's danger?" You asked. He held up a hand.

"Don't worry. We've landed the ship far away from any patrol routes and the wildlife avoid the area." He answered. Tech leaned over beside him.

"The high-frequency sound waves are a deterrent for most native species. Not to mention that the area is located far from-"

"Get a move on." Wrecker growled, giving Tech a harsh shove before following him down the ramp. Crosshair trailed them without so much as a glance in your direction.

"In the unlikely event that we don't succeed, Central Command has been given a set time. If we don't contact them by then, they'll send a rescue shuttle, got it?" Hunter added. You hesitated but gave him a small nod. He returned it. Then, taking a quick second to secure his blaster to his waist, he stepped out of the ship and the ramp closed behind him. You entered the cockpit and watched their figures disappear in the tall blue fungi. You couldn't help but worry. You were used to either being in a med bay, far from battle, or with the soldiers on the front. Granted, you were kept in the back where it was safe.

You weren't really used to sitting back and waiting like this. The air was so still now that they had set out. The only sounds were small clicks of the ship as it settled. You let out a sigh and stepped out of the cockpit. As pretty as the view is, sitting still was driving you crazy. You decided to examine the medical supplies and keep a mental note of what you had on hand. But part of you was distracted by worry. You shook your head to clear it. Dwelling on it wouldn't do any good. Instead, you focused on examining what supplies you had.


Flurries of light were flung between the two fleets of starships. Fighter pilots soared and swooped about, igniting the battlefield with explosions and bullets. And from behind the Command Center of one of the ships, was a tall, robotic figure. A cape was draped over his shoulder as he folded his hands behind him.

"You summoned me, General Grievous?" A Command Droid said in a monotonous voice. He turned to look at it.

"Yes." He began. "This attack seems rather... unusual."

"What are your orders, sir?" The droid asked. Grievous turned his yellow eyes from the battlefield to the planet beneath them. He was silent for a moment. The amount of ships they sent were hardly enough to drive the Separatists away.

"I don't think they plan on winning this battle." He said, looking back at the destruction in front of him. "Perhaps they've learned about our secret weapon." He looked over his shoulder at the droid.

"Command every outpost and manufacturing facility to increase security. We can not let those plans be stolen."

"Yes, sir."

"And if there is a security breach detected," Grievous said. "I want that facility destroyed."


The sun had begun to go down and you had returned to your spot in the cockpit. You received small updates here and there, but you could tell the original signal had been rerouted due to the interference. You guessed Tech must've done that to avoid leaving a traceable signal. Still, it made it hard to hear. And to make things worse, you hadn't received an update in a while. You looked at your comlink, gnawing the inside of your cheek. You hated this. You looked up and let your eyes wash over the landscape. At least the view was nice. That is, until you noticed some strange movement in the forest. You knitted your brow and leaned forward. What was that? As the shapes drew near, you froze up.

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