One of Us -Part 1- (Wrecker)

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A/N:  Wow, this is a long one. It actually started out as my shortest and somehow it became my longest so I decided it was more readable if I split it into two parts. I'll try to have  the second part up soon. Just a heads up, there are some pretty grizzly descriptions of wounds in this one. With that out of the way, please enjoy!

"I'm glad to hear your mission was a success." The jedi, Kenobi, said as he stood in front of you. Clone Force 99 was in the meeting room of a Command Ship to deliver their report and receive their next assignment. "I apologize for calling on you again right after a mission, but this is crucial for our attack on Grievous's blockade of our trade routes."

"Nothing to apologize for, sir." Hunter said. "Just point us in the right direction." Kenobi nodded before pulling up a holomap of a building with a tall structure in the middle of it. Atop it was a massive disk.

"This is a communication tower located on Raxus." Kenobi began. "On its own, it may not seem like much. But every signal we've managed to trace from Grievous was directed through this particular facility."

"That makes sense. It's the closest one to the blockade." Tech said.

"Indeed. Which is why it will be the focus for your mission." The Jedi said.

"Does that mean we get to blow it up?" Wrecker asked excitedly. Kenobi shook his head.

"No. If we outright destroyed the communication tower, Grievous would know immediately and simply reroute his transmissions." He altered the hologram to show the building's schematics and gestured to one of the rooms beneath the disk. "This is the control room where all transmissions from the communication tower are sent. What you need to do is send a transmission from this point to Grievous's blockade, informing him of an incoming attack.

When he receives this transmission, he will divert his forces to intercept. However, our real attack will come from the complete opposite side of the system. By the time he realizes, we should already be in position to divide the blockade."

"But if this tower is run by battle droids, how are we going to send out the transmission?" Wrecker asked.

"I can take care of that." Tech said. "We just need to locate the command droid. If I can hack into it and have it order the droids to send out the transmission, they should obey." Kenobi looked between the members of the Batch.

"I must inform you all that this mission is extremely dangerous. If your positions are compromised, we will be unable to send a rescue party. When you reach the planet, you will be completely on your own." He told them. Hunter nodded.

"We understand, sir." He said as Wrecker let out a laugh and crossed his arms.

"Not like you need to worry about us. We'll take care of it, no problem!" He stated. Kenobi smiled.

"I have full confidence in you." He assured before turning off the holomap and facing the Batch. "We've worked out the position near the facility with the least amount of droid patrols, however it's a day's walk both ways from the communication tower. Make sure you are sufficiently supplied when you set out." Hunter nodded.

"Got it." He said. Kenobi then turned his gentle eyes on you. You could see worry flash in them.

"I understand that you are a volunteer medic. If you go on this mission, you will be putting yourself in a lot of danger. You can stay behind and wait for them on the command ship, if you'd like." He said. You looked at the floor. Part of you was terrified. Maybe staying here was for the best. But if they got hurt, there would be no way for them to get help. If that happened, could you ever forgive yourself?

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