All a Machine Is... (Tech)

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A/N: Hey everyone! I know it's been a few months. I have, like, five projects going on right now and I'm trash at setting aside proper time for them, so sorry about that. I kind of hyper fixate on one or two things at a time and Elden Ring owned my soul for a while.

I haven't lost interest in this though. I definitely plan to keep uploading for a while. No warnings for this one. As always, I hope you guys enjoy. :)

You waited in the hangar of the Jedi Temple, leaned against the back wall with your hands buried in your pockets. Your eyes drifted over the city lights of Coruscant. Their glare blotted out the stars, which was a shame, but their neon glow held beauty as well. Getting lost in the array of lights helped stave your worry as you waited for the Marauder to return. It wasn't unheard of for them to be somewhat late. You knew first hand that things rarely went smoothly on their missions. Still, you couldn't help but consider the worst-case scenario. Perhaps it came with your job, always being ready for whatever could happen. But in that case, you had some control of a given situation. Now, it was different.

Due to your run in with that lizard and the strange poison it had injected into you, you were currently on recovery leave. You had also been admitted to the hospital in the Jedi temple due to the unique force-involved nature of the venom. Yet all of this couldn't compare to the strain of worry you felt as Clone Force 99 was deployed for an assignment.

"Are you sure you guys are going to be alright?"  You'd asked Hunter as he sat by your bedside. He offered you a soft smile.

"Aren't we always?" Said the Sergeant. You had raised an eyebrow at him playfully.

"Only because I'm there to patch you up." You'd replied and he let out a quiet laugh.

"We'll be careful out there, Doc. You don't have to worry about us." Despite his assurance, your smile melted away as your gaze fell.

"What's wrong?" Hunter had said, laying a hand on your shoulder. You had shaken your head.

"I know that it isn't very realistic but... I wish this mission could wait a few days."  Your explanation had made him hum in acknowledgment.

"I understand, Doc. Sometimes I wish this war would just pause for a moment. Let us all breathe, mourn, think. But war never stops for what matters most."

The sound of the intercom going off drew you out of your memories.

"Incoming vessel in Landing Bay Seven." The speaker announced. You perked up at this as the engine of an approaching ship reached your ears. Soon, a very familiar shuttle pulled in, its wings retracting as it landed softly on the platform. You smiled as you pushed yourself off of the wall and walked toward the Marauder. The ramp extended and Wrecker was the first to step off, laughing as he engaged in conversation with Hunter. When his gaze settled on you, you offered a wave.

"Hey, look who's here!" He boomed as he approached you and, removing his helmet and pulling you into a firm hug. "We all missed ya while we were out."

"Speak for yourself." Crosshair added as he walked by. Wrecker folded his arms, his head tilting at his brother.

"I dunno, Crosshair. You seemed grumpier than usual this time around." Said Wrecker. Crosshair waved a hand over his shoulder, prompting a grunt from Wrecker.

"Don't listen to 'im. He's not as subtle as he thinks." He said and you smiled. Before you could respond, Hunter approached you, pulling off his helmet and holding it against his hip.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2022 ⏰

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