Critical Condition -Part 2- (Bad Batch)

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A/N: Sorry for not uploading for a while. I got major writer's block. I decided I would try my best to work though it so sorry if this chapter is a bit choppier than my others. No major warnings besides a whole bunch of angst. No one's in a good mood in this one. (The ending is happy, I promise.) 

You cracked your eyes open slowly, your head still fogged with exhaustion. You hadn't gotten the best sleep. Wrecker was already gone and your focus landed on the empty spot on your bed where Tech would've been. There was still a dip in his pillow from the other night and his datapad rested on the nightstand. Sadness immediately sank from your chest to your stomach as you pushed yourself into a sitting position and blinked yourself awake. Before long, you managed to get yourself dressed and ready for the day. When you stepped out of your room into the empty hall, you only had one place in mind to go.

Winding down the corridors, you found yourself in the medbay as you stood in front of one of the rooms. Taking a deep breath, you pressed your hand to the scanner and the door slid open, allowing you to step inside. When you looked up, you felt your shoulders droop. Tech was still unconscious, his skin pale. You could see the oxygen mask over his mouth fog lightly as he breathed while the machine measuring his vitals beeped steadily. The medical droid spared a look at you, giving you a nod while you made your way to the bed and sat next to it. You gazed at Tech and gently rested your hand on his. It was cold.

"How's his condition?" You asked, your voice ringing in the silence.

"He is stable and his wound is healing, but other than that, there are no significant changes." It replied as it examined a holo-reading of Tech's injuries. You didn't respond as you gazed at him. You drew your finger down to his wrist, careful to avoid the IV, and pressed two fingers against it. His pulse was weak but it was there. That's what mattered. As you gazed at him, you could see him furrowing his brow slightly, his eyes moving beneath his eyelids. He was fighting. You curled your fingers over his, silently wishing you could help him.

The door sliding open behind you drew your attention away from the injured man. You expected one of his brothers to walk in. You were taken aback when Countess Ursa Wren stepped inside, her helmet tucked under her arm. Her eyes widened slightly when she noticed you.

"Is it okay if I come in or am I disturbing you?" She asked. It took a moment for you to reply.

"Uh- N-no, ma'am. I mean, yes! Um-" Damn it. As you stammered she smiled softly, walking to your side.

"I know what you mean." She assured you. You cleared your throat and tried to recollect yourself. You hadn't really spoken with her before and the other mandalorians either seemed indifferent or didn't like you. She didn't seem bothered though as she approached Tech, her expression fading to sadness.

"I wanted to see the wounded. Both Clan Wren and the Republic soldiers." She said. You gave her a small grin.

"That's very kind of you." You said and she shrugged.

"I was going to the medbay anyway. It's no trouble." She said before nodding toward Tech. "Is he a friend of yours?" She asked and you followed her gaze.

"Yeah. His name is Tech." You responded. She examined him for a moment.

"I wanted to apologize. I didn't intend for anyone's lives to be endangered. Especially a volunteer, like yourself. I knew Saxon could be extreme, but..." She trailed off, closing her eyes. It was a while before she opened them again. "I wish I could stay longer, but I must go." You jumped a little when she placed a hand on your shoulder.

"Lunch will be served soon. You should eat something." She said. You gave her a small nod and she returned it before stepping out of the room. With a long sigh, you looked back to Tech. Now that the Countess had mentioned it, you were pretty hungry. When was the last time you ate? Maybe you could spare the time to get some food. You gave Tech's hand a light squeeze before standing up and leaving the room, waving to the droid before the door shut. It didn't take long to get to the dining room. A few people had gathered but you took notice of Wrecker's large frame. He sat alone, seemingly distancing himself from the 'regs' with his eyes gazing at the tablecloth sadly. He noticed you and quickly tried to mask his expression with a smile, but there was none of the happy light that usually beamed from him. You made your way to his side and sat down.

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