Shopping (Crosshair)

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The Havoc Marauder slowed as it arrived on the planet of Naboo. You gazed out at the city as the ship landed. It was a beautiful sight, the midday sun shining against the buildings as crowds bustled about. It was a shame you wouldn't be here that long. The Bad Batch was making a quick stop to refuel and stock up on supplies. Everyone stood, Tech looking over a list on his datapad.

"We just need a few items. Some fuel, food, and a power cell since the last one was destroyed." Tech said, frustration seeping into his voice. Wrecker let out a groan.

"Are you gonna bring that up every few seconds?" He said. Tech adjusted his glasses.

"Only until you give me a good explanation as to why you decided throwing our last one at a battle droid was a good idea." He responded. Wrecker tossed his arms up as you laughed to yourself.

"My blaster jammed and it was the first thing I saw." He snapped.

"Perhaps if you remembered to check your blaster before the assignment, it wouldn't have-"

"Alright, we don't have all week." Hunter sighed, crossing his arms before turning his eyes on you. "Do you mind running into town to grab a couple things?"

"Sure." You said with a small shrug. It would be nice to see the town and catch a break from the noise.

"One of us should go with you and make sure you get back safe." Wrecker said. You gave him a look.

"I'll be fine. Naboo isn't very dangerous." You assured him.

"It's not a bad idea. You're probably going to need help carrying everything." Hunter added. "Why not take one of the boys along?"

"Okay, come on, Wrecker." You said. He smiled and was about to walk toward you when Tech held up a hand.

"You aren't going." He said.

"Why not?" asked Wrecker as Tech skimmed through his datapad.

"Because I want to reorganize the cargo hold. You're the best equipped to help with that."

"Uh, I'll take Hunter then." You said. Hunter shook his head and you gave him a questioning look.

"I should keep an eye on the ship." He said with a glance at Tech and Wrecker. "Take Crosshair with you." You scowled as Crosshair looked up sharply from examining his shoulder pad. You glanced at the sniper and he glared back.

"Just get a move on." Hunter sighed. "Try to be back before sunset." Crosshair let out a grunt.

"Let's get this over with." He said as he made his way to the ramp. You gave Hunter a weary look, prompting a smile from him, before following Crosshair. He placed a toothpick in his teeth as the door opened and you both stepped into the sun. His communicator lit up and he looked it over.

"What is it?" You asked.

"A copy of the list." He replied. "Follow me."

He said before leading the way. You fell in step beside him as you wove through the streets. You cast a glance at him every now and then. You had been with the Bad Batch for a few weeks now and Crosshair has only been icy toward you. You wondered how this supply run would go. He seemed to know his way around and eventually you found yourself in a bustling market.

"We'll get done faster if we split up." He said. He pulled up the list and you leaned over to study it before looking at your surroundings. The roads weren't too confusing. 

"Alright, I'll get the food." You said. "We'll meet back here in an hour." He nodded as he looked up from his arm.

"Try not to get lost. It would be a shame if we had to take off without you." He snickered sarcastically. You rolled your eyes before starting down the road. You ran the list through your head. It was mostly rations, dried food, and canned items. You inwardly groaned. You knew there wasn't much room for perishable foods but you couldn't remember the last time you had a meal with actual flavor.

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