Critical Condition -Part 1- (Tech)

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A/N: Sorry for the late upload. I had a little bit of writer's block with this chapter but I think it turned out really well. It's the longest one yet with a word count over 5000. And I still had to split it in half. Just a head's up, there's mild swearing, graphic depictions of violence, death, a cliché trope, and a really bad injury in this one. This is easily the most intense part yet. Let me know how it turned out. Enjoy!

The wind chill had formed small crystals in your hair and eyelashes by the time Clan Wren's headquarters came into view. The speeders raced toward it as you leaned back to get a clear look. The building was constructed next to a frozen lake and it was box-like in appearance, large windows overlooking the ice. It wasn't exactly what you expected. Though it wasn't like you had seen many Mandalorian headquarters before.

The speeders slowed to a stop in front of the building and everyone slid off. The mandalorian man who had spoken before turned to face the woman beside him, a distinct metal chip above her visor.

"Rivick, tell the Countess that the Jedi has arrived." He said. She nodded and started toward the building as he turned his attention to Kenobi. "We'll go inside when we're signaled."

"Of course." Obi Wan responded. You shivered slightly as you walked toward your group, hugging yourself against the strengthening winds.

"What are you supposed to be? You're definitely no warrior." A muffled voice beside you said. You looked up to see a mandalorian, leaned against his speeder, examining you. His arms were crossed over his chest and his helmet tilted slightly as he waited for you to answer.

"I-I'm a medic. A v-volunteer." You answered him nervously. He seemed to look at you for a moment before letting out a scoff and standing up.

"Di'kut." He spat before making his way to the front of the group. You narrowed your eyes at this. You didn't know a word of Mando'a but you gathered by his tone that he had insulted you. No one said a word as they waited for the signal, whatever it was. Only when the woman from before stepped out and held up a hand, curling it into a fist, did the man in front of you speak.

"Alright, we're clear. But one wrong move and we'll be scraping your bodies off the floor, Jedi." He said. Kenobi didn't so much as frown at his tone.

"Lead the way." He replied. You could feel the man glare Kenobi down through his dark visor before he turned and started toward the building. You could hardly breathe through the tension as you nestled yourself between the members of Clone Force 99. You could feel the icy gaze of the mandalorians linger on you. You thought this might happen, being the odd-one-out of the group, but it took everything you had to hide your fear.

The large glass doors slid open and you felt warmth wash over you as you stepped inside. But you still shivered as you walked by the guards and stepped into the center of the large, dim room. In front of you was a throne, small stairs leading up to it. And sitting on it was a woman who didn't look older than twenty-five. Yet her features were cold and stern as her caramel eyes swept slowly over the group. Her intricately painted helmet was tucked at her side and her black hair was done into a neat bun. Kenobi gave her a gentle bow.

"Countess Ursa Wren. It is an honor." He began. "I am Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and I was sent to discuss a diplomatic solution between you and Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore." Ursa waved a hand in the air.

"I know why you're here, Jedi." She said stonily. "As much as I wish otherwise." Kenobi slowly folded his hands into the sleeves of his long brown cloak.

"I assure you, we won't stay any longer than we must, my Lady." He replied.

"Then I will waste no time." Ursa told him. "In the tradition of Clan Wren, you will be provided with a meal at sunset. The first diplomatic session will begin immediately afterwards." She tossed her gaze to the guard beside her.

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