Work Out (Wrecker)

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A/N: This is a shorter drabble to transition back into more action stuff. It's just an interaction I thought would be cute. Things will start to pick up more in the next few chapters. No warnings for this one, dudes. Enjoy!

The Temple was bustling as the 501st returned from their most recent deployment. Republic soldiers and Temple staff alike were in motion to replenish supplies on the docked Star Destroyer, the "Resolute", as well as examine it for damages. You wove through the crowded halls, buzzing with refreshed energy. Your short leave on Coruscant was over for the time being. It had been nice to relax for a while, but you couldn't wait to jump back into action.

"Where are you going with all of those?" A clone's voice spoke as you rounded a corner. You looked over to see a group of soldiers, their armor accented with blue. One of them sported a medical cross on his shoulder pad and his helmet was tucked under his arm. He was addressing a few other clones, their helmets still on, as they carried what appeared to be a variety of weights.

"We're replacing some broken equipment, sir. A trooper just destroyed about twenty weights." He replied. The first clone raised an eyebrow.

"How'd he manage that?" He said and the first clone shook his head.

"Couldn't tell you, sir." He responded before continuing. The first soldier was about to follow when he took notice of you approaching.

"Hey, Kix!" You greeted him with a smile, adjusting the strap of your bag. He returned it with a light salute.

"It's been a while." He said as you fell in step beside him. "How is it working with your new group?"

"Chaotic. But after working with you guys, I'm used to it." You told him. He chuckled at this.

"Don't I know it." Said Kix before he elbowed you gently. "And you left me to put up with this bunch on my own. Hope you're happy with yourself." His tone was teasing as you raised an eyebrow at him.

"Trust me, working with these guys is just as much of a hassle as working with the 501st."

"Aren't there only four of them?" Kix questioned as you both entered another hallway, training rooms lining it.

"Yep. And as much as I love 'em, they're a disaster sometimes." You said and Kix snickered.

"Sounds familiar." He replied as you reached one of the rooms, the door sliding open. The group of clones carrying the weights walked in first and you followed, Kix not far behind. Your eyes widened when you noticed the damages. The rack that held most of the weights was destroyed and the floor beneath it was dented. One of the clones in front of you sighed.

"Just stack 'em in the corner for now." He said. You blinked at the damages as Kix let out a whistle of disbelief. There was only one trooper you knew of who could cause such destruction. And his hulking frame was standing bashfully in the middle of the room, trying to explain himself to an exhausted-looking Weequay repairman.

"Sorry. I guess I was carrying too much weight at once. It won't happen again." The large soldier assured him. The Weequay let out a breath.

"Just be more careful. I'm busy enough as it is." He responded. "I should be able to fix it, but I'll have to call in my manager to take a look. Don't go anywhere. She'll probably want to talk to you." With that, he turned away, grumbling under his breath. Kix examined the large soldier.

"I've never seen a clone like him before." He said.

"His name is Wrecker. He's part of my group." You explained, still shocked at the damages. Kix nodded.

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