Fangs of the Dark Side -Part 1- (Bad Batch)

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A/N: Hey, guys! I know it's been a while. I have a ideas, I've just been struggling to put them together into something cohesive. Please bear with me. I promise I'll try to upload frequently again. I've had this idea floating in my head and it ended up being a huge project. This part alone is 7,000 words and you guys can expect a part two soon. I really hope you guys enjoy reading these longer chapters because they're fun to write. 

Warnings (SPOILERS): Graphic depictions of battle, animal attacks, and violence, minor swearing, blood and some fairly graphic description of injuries. LMK if I missed anything.

You watched nervously as Tech arched the Marauder around a large asteroid. The ship wasn't moving too fast, but the massive chunks of rock formed a moving maze. All it took was one stray stone to cause serious damage. To make matters worse, the forest of asteroids would only grow denser as they continued deeper into the field. Hunter spared a look from the navigator to you, his brow resting from its focused expression.

"You alright?" He asked.

"I'm fine, it's just... this is more than a little dangerous." You said. Crosshair cracked his eyes open from where he leaned into his seat.

"Aren't most of our missions 'more than a little dangerous?'" He pointed out. You let out a quiet sigh.

"Yes, but this is different." You replied before watching another asteroid drift across the ship's path.

"You most likely feel this way due to lack of familiarity with the situation. If it puts your nerves at ease, we've navigated through asteroid fields before. I have this under control." Said Tech from the pilot's seat.

"Yeah, we've flown through these plenty of times!" Wrecker announced with a wide smile. "You shoulda been there the first time we did this! Got chased down by some vulture droids and had to run 'em through an asteroid field. Ship got banged up pretty good and we ended up stranded on Alderaan in the wilderness. I broke two ribs from the crash." You knit your brow at this as your stomach squeezed nervously.

"I see." You said as you turned your attention back to the asteroid field. Hunter pinched his brow at his brother's words and Tech let out a sigh. Before anyone else could say anything, the navigator beeped, drawing everyone's focus.

"Something's coming up on our scanners." Hunter said. "Try to mask our approach, Tech." Tech nodded in reply before dipping the ship downward into a cluster of slow-moving asteroids while the Sarge examined the navigator.

"We've tracked the trajectory between smugglers and Separatist cargo ships to this spot." He said. "Our mission is simple. Investigate the area and, if possible, identify the cargo the Separatists are gathering."

"Sounds a little vague, doesn't it?" You asked. "We don't even know what we're supposed to investigate."

"Maybe not, but what we DO know is that they're going through great lengths to keep it a secret. That alone makes it worth looking into." The sergeant responded. He had a point. Why else would they receive shipments from smugglers? In wild space, no less? But this brought another question to mind.

"How is it that we pinpointed these coordinates? I know we have spies, but of all the places in the galaxy, this is a pretty random spot to find." You asked.

"Clone intelligence was ordered to direct their efforts to this general area." Tech replied. "It was a command from a jedi known as Master Yoda."

"According to Cody, this jedi had sensed that something was off. When he tried to meditate on it, the force 'guided him here.'" Hunter explained. "He said that the dark side was stronger in this place." Crosshair grunted at this.

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