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𝐘/𝐍 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐋 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 in their bunker for the time being. They had arrived on the Isle a couple of hours ago, but they figured that they should go into hiding for the time being, allowing them to have time to recover from recent events. Neither of them spoke about their reasoning in leaving Auradon, just yet. Both girls knew better than to pry information out of the other; both of them were too stubborn and ashamed to talk about their failures. Mal continued the unfinished artwork on one of the many walls in the room, standing on a crate with a spray paint can in her hand while Y/N was sitting on a torn-up chair near one of the dirty windows.

Y/N's eyes were fixated on the island across the sea. She could still feel the warmth of the sun on her skin and the fresh air that would fill her nose whenever she took a breath. She imagined what everyone was doing over there, right now. She imagined what Nakoa was doing, what Genie was doing, what Evie and Carlos were doing and what Jay was doing. A small sigh left her lips. He was probably shoving his tongue down her throat without a single care in the world.

The image of him and Meadow, standing next to those stupid vending machines flashed through her mind. It was a bright vivid image that refused to go away, no matter how tight she shut her eyes or shook her head. The memory kept replaying itself over and over again and every time she saw their faces together, the more her heart shattered. It was like the past twelve years didn't exist to him like everything was but a mere joke. Everything he said that day, during the Coronation, was a lie. He didn't need her and probably never did. However, the thing that made this hurt the most about this whole situation is that this proved that she wasn't enough... that she wasn't good enough.

She looked down at her wrists and started fidgeting with one of them, a small sigh escaping her lips. She didn't even know why she was thinking about all that stupid stuff; it wasn't going to make anything better and it wasn't going to prevent her heart from hurting any less. She made her decision and she wasn't planning on going back to Auradon. She belonged on the Isle. She could finally be herself here; her true self. She didn't have responsibilities, didn't have to impress anyone and didn't have to worry about being a disappointment.

It just made sense for her to be here, on the Isle. She had everything she needed here.

Almost everything, my child. You cannot live like this forever and you know that.

A small groan escaped her lips as she heard the mystery female's voice again. She would never tell Genie—or anyone, for that matter—about the small voice in her head. She had been there since Family Day with the whole Chad incident and would randomly appear whenever her feelings were too much for her to handle. She would find comfort in the voice, strangely enough. Did it make her insane? Most likely. But on the tougher days, it was the only thing keeping her going... sometimes.

"You having second thoughts?" Mal asked, shaking the can in her hand before applying a black colour to the wall. She didn't look at Y/N, afraid that she would lose focus.

Y/N shook her head. "No, just thinking." She was, technically, telling Mal the truth; she just didn't want to admit the fact that she was thinking about Auradon even though it had only been a few hours. "You know, you should really change your hair," Y/N added, attempting to divert the subject away from her.

Mal stopped what she was doing, turning to face the other girl in the room. She jumped off the box she was standing on before grabbing a strand of hair and examining it. A small frown appeared on her face as her eyes stared into the blonde lock. Her fingers glided through the lock, playing with her hair before stopping as she reached the purple stems. She didn't know why she decided to leave some purple in her hair. Some would say that it was an attempt to keep a part of her former self—her Isle self—as she continued going through all the change she was forced to face.

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