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𝐀 𝐅𝐄𝐖 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃 since Ben was crowned King of Auradon. Life had been a lot easier for the new transfer kids from the neighbouring island, but they knew that they still had a long way to go before the people around them would finally accept them. For a handful of them, they were finally being accepted by Auradon, people started to grow accustomed to them and would welcome them into certain day-to-day activities. Nonetheless, the treatment wasn't reciprocated by every one of them.   

Jay and Carlos were finally welcomed onto the tourney team. Most of the boys love them so much that they invited them to try out for the fencing team. Of course, thanks to the experienced they gained from the southern side of the Isle, they made it, filling in two spots that were recently missing since Nakoa had left along with another teammate. Evie started her sewing business after getting recognition for creating Mal's coronation dress. It gained the attention of a lot of Nobles in Auradon and—although Ben was barely crowned King at least a week ago—she started getting requests for designs for any upcoming events. Mal seemed to be settling into royal life fairly easily. Every time Y/N would see her in their dorms or just around campus, there would always be a smile on her face and an even bigger one whenever she was with Ben. 

Y/N was happy for her friends, but something was missing. A part of her knew that something just wasn't right, but she wasn't able to place her finger on it. Well, she managed to figure it out while she was walking towards Ben's office after being summoned there by one of Ben's guards.

The people of Auradon loved talking, especially the nobles; gossiping being one of their favourite pass times. The kingdom was pretty large for only being twenty years old, but the people were still well connected enough for word to travel just as fast as a magic carpet.  

It was your typical day in Auradon, the sun was shining in the sky with a couple of white clouds floating by, giving the blue sky even more colour than usual. The heat that was provided by the sun wasn't overbearing, thanks to the fresh breeze that travelled over the campus every few minutes. The breeze would carry the fresh smell of flowers, filling your nose as you walked through the garden or just outside in general. The sound of people talking and the leaves brushing against one another would blind your ears

A content smile appeared on Y/N's lips as she took a deep breath, embracing all that Auradon's nature had to offer her. However, that content feeling quickly left as she heard some nobles talking on the ground below her. She knew that the people her considered it rude to eavesdrop on a conversation like this, but some habits couldn't be broken overnight, especially if one was always curious, to begin with. 

"I find it ridiculous that the Guardian and Ben decided to keep her here. Have they learned nothing from Chernabog? She is his daughter, after all," one of the nobles spoke, concern laced in her voice. 

The person she was talking to hummed in acknowledgement. "I agree—" they nodded their head, taking a drink from their water bottle "—I mean, who's to say that her defeating Chernabog wasn't a part of their plan to take over Auradon? You know, lure us into a false sense of security?"

"I completely agree, Onyx. Once a monster, always a monster."

She listened to their words, carefully, taking in every little syllable that left their lips. A feeling of sadness and guilt washed over her the longer she stood there. She leaned against the railing and let her body slowly sink to the floor, their words sinking deeper into her skin the longer she listened to them. Hades, it was painful. And she knew that it was stupid of her to be still sitting here when she was supposed to be elsewhere. 

A small sigh left her lips as she picked herself up and continued her journey toward the office. She didn't have time for this self-pity, besides, she knew the truth and so did the people she cared about; that's what matters, after all...

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