Chapter Twenty-One, Infinity

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Anyways, tysm and enjoy reading <3

Y/N was now sitting all alone on the grass in the courtyard. Mal had left to go get ready for the Cotillion a few minutes ago and so have the rest of the students. There wasn't a single person in sight. The only noise that could be heard was the rustling of leaves, birds chirping happily above in the skies and Y/N's breathing.

It's never been this quiet before and she hated it.

When it was as quiet as this she was able to hear her own thoughts, she was able to think clearly and she hated that. She was able to hear everything she's been suppressing; her stress, negative emotions, everything. And nothing could save her from it now.

Eventually, her mind began to wander for the last few days. She started remembering the events of everything. The events that happened on Uma's ship were the ones that were sticking out to her the most. Everything that Kian said, everything that she saw wasn't settling with her - there was this odd feeling about everything.

It might've been due to the fact that Ben was kidnapped and that it was her fault for not protecting him properly, but even that didn't make sense to her.

Was she feeling sorry for Kian and everyone else on the Isle?

A laugh left her throat as she imagined it. Her? Feeling bad for her childhood enemy, someone that she's been fighting with since she was little. Now that was hilarious. Kian has never spared her any sympathy throughout their rivalry, so why should she.

Y/N let out a sigh as she laid down on her back and started watching the clouds float by with every breeze. Her hands rested underneath her head, supporting it as her legs were crossed one on top of the other.

Well, you don't have to fight for your next meal, for one. You have mentors who love you, people who love you. A bunch of friends who are willing to do anything for you.

There were other kids on the Isle - kids just like here - who needed help, needed someone to rely on, someone there to tell them that there was light on the other side of the tunnel. They needed food - lots of it- and a safe place to call home, just like her. They needed a Guardian, but there wasn't anyone who could possibly help them.

Those kids were abandoned there for something that wasn't even their fault and no one was willing to help them. They're suffering and the people who can help them turn their backs on them because they're 'villains'.

A sigh left her lips. Why was she even thinking about this in the first place? This was all out of her control. The only people who can actually help those kids are Fairy Godmother, Genie and Ben. Not her.

Y/N was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the ringing of the clock tower on the school grounds, signalling that the Cotillion was almost here. That her fate was about to be sealed forever in just a few hours.

She groaned before standing up and went back to her dorm to get ready for the event.

Y/N walked through the hallways of the dorms and there wasn't a single person in sight, not even Evie and Doug who were dropping off outfits today. She could only hear the sounds of her footsteps on the wooden flooring. It was painful.

She reached her dorm room and opened the door, praying that someone - anyone - was in there getting ready for the Cotillion. But no one was there. The only living thing in their dorm room was Maleficent the lizard sitting on her 'throne' in her terrarium.

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