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A soft breeze travelled through the air causing the leaves in the trees to dance. The smell of the sea filled everyone's nose as they stood on the edge of the broken bridge towards the Isle. Y/N glanced over at the small island - her eyes squinting slightly as she tried getting a better look at it. She saw the magical barrier around it and the dark grey clouds that loomed above the island, blocking out the sun and the blue sky.

She wasn't excited to leave her friends, Jay and Genie behind, but the Isle needed her more than them. They needed a Guardian, they needed someone to make their lives better even if it was just a little bit.

But it was still hard. It was still hard saying goodbye to everyone. She's spent her entire life with the VKs, every day, every minute and every second with them. This was going to be the first time she's going to live without them, the first time they won't be in the same place, the first time she'll be on the Isle without them.

It was going to suck at first and it was definitely going to be hard, but if growing up on the Isle and living in Auradon taught her anything was that she is capable of doing anything.

Y/N, Genie, Mal, Ben, Fairy Godmother, Beast and Belle came up with a plan last night after the Cotillion. Y/N was going to stay on the Isle for a whole month before returning back to Auradon for a single day to fill up on supplies that she would need for the Isle before going back for another full month.

The Isle would usually get a shipment of materials from Auradon once every three months and whenever they do the villains usually get to all the useful items first, leaving almost nothing for everyone else. But now this way the Isle would be getting more fresh food, clothes and building material faster and at a larger quantity and it was all going to the kids and people in need of it the most this time. If someone had a problem with that they would have to talk to Y/N about it.

Tightening her grip on the strap of her bag that hung loosely from her shoulder Y/N took a deep breath in before exhaling. She looked back at her friends as a sad smile appeared on her face. She held out her arms towards them as they all quickly ran towards her and wrapped her in a group hug.

Evie had tears in her eyes as she wrapped her arms around Y/N's neck. Carlos patted Y/N on her shoulder before pulling her into a hug. Mal wrapped Y/N a tight hug before holding her hand with a smile and a small nod. Ben shook her hand before pulling her into a small hug.

Nakoa wrapped his arms around Y/N, "I'll see you in a month," he said before pulling away from Y/N and resting his hands on her shoulders.

Y/N smiled and nodded her head, "See you in a month." Y/N walked towards Jay and Genie - her hand keeping a tight grip on the strap of her bag - before nodding at them both with a small smile on her face. She took a deep breath, "I'm ready to go."

Genie nodded his head before grabbing Y/N's, "Grab Jay's hand." Y/N nodded and grabbed the boy's hand and gave it a light squeeze. Genie snapped his fingers and a magical blue bridge started forming in front of them. Y/N let out a small gasp as she looked down at the bridge, Genie never ceased to amaze her. "Alright, let's go kid," Genie said before he started walking towards the bridge, pulling Y/N and Jay along with him.

Y/N turned to face her friends who were staying behind as a large grin appeared on her face, "I'll see you guys in a month!"

The three of them walked in complete silence as they crossed the bridge. They were all dreading the moment they reached the end of it, the moment they'd reach the Isle, the moment they'd have to say goodbye.

And of course, that moment came a lot faster than they'd had hoped.

They all stepped off the magical blue bridge and onto the broken bridge on the Isle's side. Y/N sighed as she stepped closer to the barrier. She didn't want to say goodbye to them, but she knew that this was what she truly wanted to do, what she truly thought was good. She placed a hand on the barrier as she felt the power radiate off of it. A tear slowly rolled down her cheek before she quickly turned around and ran towards Jay and Genie before she wrapped them in a tight hug.

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