Chapter Twenty-Six, You and Me

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Mal and Ben stood side by side on the stairs of the quarter facing the royal Cotillion attendees. A wide smile was on both their faces as they held hands. Jay and Y/N stood together as they looked up at the royal couple. Jay had one arm wrapped around Y/N's waist as he pulled her in close to him. He placed a kiss on the top of Y/N head before leaning his own against hers as a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

He knew that he was going to have to say goodbye to her tomorrow. That after tonight, he wasn't going to see her beautiful smile everyday, her enchanted laugh everyday and her sparkling eyes everyday. But if it meant that she'll be happier then so be it. He'll choose her over himself every time without hesitation.

But for now, he wasn't going to think about it. He was only going to embrace the rest of the time he has with her and party the night away.

"Looking back at yesterday," Ben sang, "I thought I gave it everything. But still there's so much road ahead of me."

Mal pulled Ben towards her slightly as she placed a hand on his chest, "When I looked into your eyes." She pulled him in closer as Y/N and Jay shared a knowing smirk, "I guess I didn't recognize." Ben placed a hand on her hip as he pulled her in closer so that their chests were touching, "Who we are and all that we can be," Mal looked at the crowd before her eye landing on Y/N, both girls smiling at one another.

Everyone in the crowd found a dance partner, "Sometimes it's hard to find yourself," Ben and Mal sang together as they circled one another. Jay held out a hand for Y/N to take as a small smile appeared on his face. Y/N giggled as she took hold of his hand and they started dancing along with everyone else on the deck. "But it's worth it in the end," Mal and Ben stopped circling one another as they faced the attendees again. "'Cause in your heart is where it all begins," everyone bowed at the royal couple as they separated from each other and went down the stairs to join the rest of the guests.

Y/N smiled before standing up straight, "Here we go!"

"We gotta be bold, we gotta be brave, we gotta be free!" Everyone started singing as they danced around each other. Mal and Y/N started kicking the water around as they jumped and danced around everyone, a wide grin on both their faces. "We gotta get loud, making that change, you gotta believe!" Everyone walked around before getting into a formation behind Mal and Ben, "We'll look deep inside." The guests onboard started kicking the water drenching everyone around them, but none of them cared because they were all having way too much fun. "And we'll rise up and shine," the boys spun their dates around before pulling them back in. "We can be bold, we can be brave, let everyone see!" Y/N spun around before jumping up as she splashed water at everyone around her causing Jay to laugh, "It starts with you and me." Genie grabbed Fairy Godmother by her hand and spun her around as the smaller female let out a small 'Whoo' noise before laughing, "Whoa, whoa, hey!" Everyone walked around the ship taking a new formation, "It starts with you and me." Evie grabbed Carlos' hand as she dragged him over to the railing of the boat, "Whoa, whoa, hey!" Evie wrapped an arm around Carlos' shoulders, a wide grin on both their faces as they faced the Isle, "It starts with you and me."

They both rested one of their arms on the railing as their smile faded slightly. "There's something special that I've learned," Evie and Carlos sang together, "It's together we can change the world." They both looked at each other before looking back at the Isle, "Everybody's got something they can bring."

Y/N grabbed Jay by his hand as she dragged him over to where Evie and Carlos stood, Mal, following them shortly after. "When you take a look inside yourself," Y/N and Jay sang together as they looked at the Isle. "Do you wish that you were something else," they both looked at each other before Jay planted a kiss on Y/N's forehead as she leaned her head against his shoulder. "But who you are is who you need to be," Y/N kissed Jay before letting Mal and Evie drag her away back towards the rest of the attendees.

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