Chapter 2

58 9 2

14 years ago

Jungkook's pov

After the day got over, we left school. The students were gossiping about the events that took place today, about The Kim Taehyung, son of the millionaire Mr.Taeyang. They had a happy life. The newspapers would always capture pictures of their parties filled with rich people and their rich things. Who knew what went behind those four walls of their huge mansion.

We all thought that Tae lived the easiest and awesome life, hence his suicide does not make sense. I myself was shocked. Taehyung was a quiet person. Rarely spoke to many and was not in a group either but he always had a smile on his face. Something about his death is unsettling.

I chose to put my thoughts aside and go back home. I knew that my father would be able to tell me what exactly happened. He works in the FBI and so he would have a lead on the case. I refuse to believe that Tae would jump down from the rooftop of the school. is not like him to do this.

I had hope. Dad would definitely solve this!

It was in the evening at 6 that dad had come back from work. I knew better to not bombard him with questions as soon as he came, so I waited.

I completed my homework and came down to the dining where mom was seated and sat with her. Dad joined us soon and we started dinner.

"Dad...have you done any investigation on the case at school?"

Dad looked up and let out a sigh.

"The Taehyung case has been closed off as a suicide."

"Wh-what's the reason behind the suicide?"

"We were not able to do any further investigation. The Kim's have paid a huge amount for the case to be closed off. Apparently they dont want to taint their image in society."

"Such inhumane behavior. Taehyung was an amazing child. He was your partner for a project am I right jungkook?"

The question was meant for me to answer. But how could I? I felt numb. I got up from the table and climbed up the stairs to my room.


"Leave him hon. Let him be. We both knew how he felt towards him."


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Spread love to others and treat them with kindness. Everyone deserves it!🥰🥰🥰

Edit: I realized that I wanted to write the book for my own self. To express my own self. So...Imma just update all the parts.

Hope u enjoy it.

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