Chapter 18

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Two days later the notice of the court arrives. The hearing will be conducted the day after tomorrow.

I was very happy. I went and told the same to my father. He too shared the same joy. We went to the court to hire a lawyer to fight on our side.

"What's your name?"

"Jeon Jungkook."

"The case is against whom?"

"The Kim family."

The lawyer looks up at me.

"You are joking?"

"No I am serious."

"Well, I'm sorry but I cannot fight your case."

I'm sorry I cannot fight your case.

This line was told to us by another 10 lawyers. The day that started with bright hope, was now fading into doubt. Will we be able to get a lawyer?

2 days later

The day of the hearing.

The doors of the court room were opened. In came many people, some faces I recognized while some I didn't. We all were nervous. I turned towards my right and saw Mr. and Mrs. Kim with their son Seo-joon seated at the far right of the court room.

Mr. Kim turned towards me and our eyes met. For a moment I think that he smirked at me, for he saw no lawyer on my side. It was his doing after all. His smile seemed mocking, after all he got what he wanted. We didn't have a lawyer fighting for us.

The bailiff announced the arrival of the judge and the hearing began.

"All rise."

"Today, we are gathered to hear the case file of Mr. Kim Taehyung, son of Mr. and Mrs.Kim. In the prosecution we have Mr.Jeon Jungkook and in the defendant we have Mr.Kim, Mrs. Kim and their son Kim Seo-joon. Do both the sides have their lawyers?"

"Yes milord," came the answer from the defendant. The judge looked over at our side and questioned.

"What about the prosecution?" The court room fell silent.

"I will fight my own case milord."

Mr. Kim turned and looked at our side with wide eyes. He seemed to calm down later when he realised that I'm merely a child with no experience in fighting a case.

"In that case, I ask the prosecution to proceed."

"I would like to call Mr.Kim to the witness box."

"Permission granted." Mr. Kim walks up to the stand and I walk up to him.

"What was your relationship with your son?"

"Objection milord, Mr. Jeon is asking a very obvious question. All the people here know that Taehyung is his son." came the objection of the lawyer from the defendant side.

"Indeed, we all know that Taehyung is the son of Mr.Kim, that wasn't my question. I was questioning Mr.Kim's relation as a father towards his son."

"Objection overruled." Mr. Kim looked at me and answered

"My son and I had a very normal father/son relationship. Just like any other father son relation out there."

"Hmm..okay could you tell me what mattered more to you dignity in society or family?"

"Family of course. I always thought of the well being of my family and how they were being looked at by the society."

"That's where you are wrong! You only cared for the way your family was being looked at by society and that is called making sure your dignity stays on top."

"Objection milord,! The prosecutor is making vague statements with no proof."

"I do have proof!" I walk up to the table with Taehyung's diary.

"This is Mr. Kim taehyung's personal diary found in his locker. It is clearly written in that diary how much Mr.Kim and his wife valued dignity in society over family wants."

"The defendant would like to take a look at the evidence." "You may come foward."

After the defence lawyer looks at the evidence. He walks back to the ground and speaks.

"Milord, how do we know that the evidence is real or not? Yes it does have the name of Taehyung in it, but how can the court be sure that it belonged to him? In fact I can prove that the diary does not belong to him."

He then proceeds to take a few books and presents it to the judge. "Milord, these are Kim taehyung's notebooks which were used in class. You can compare the handwriting and I can guarantee that it won't match."

Indeed, the handwriting of the two books did not match. I was a little bit tensed, the case seemed hard now.

"Would the prosecution like to call anymore witnesses?"

"Yes milord, I would like to call upon Park Il-sung to the witness box." Il-sung walks up to the stand.

"Mr. Park Il-sung where were you the day before Kim taehyung's death?"

"There were many places I had been that day, could you please specify a time slot?"

"At night."

"Hmm...I was... ah! I was at a dinner party."

"And where was this?"

"At the Kim's residence."

"Can you please narrate to us the events that took place that night at the residence?"

"Yes! We entered the house in the evening. We were served tea and biscuits. Then Taehyung entered the house, he was late I think. He was told to freshenup and come down. Then we had a chat. We, the kids went to the balcony to talk. We then came down to have dinner followed by dessertand then we took our leave."

"A nice memory you've got there Mr.Park!"

"What can I say? I'm just good at remembering things."

"Then can you please tell us the shirt that Mr.Kim Taehyung wore that day?"

"Yes! It was a red silk shirt."

Bingo! I then walk up to the table and pull out the red shirt from the ziplock bag and show it to the court.

"This! Is the same red shirt that Mr.Kim Taehyungwore that night." I walk up to Il-sung and show him the shirt.

"Is this the same shirt Mr.Park?"

"Yes, it does seem like the same shirt minus all the wet looking patches and the foul smell! Take it away from me!!"

"Well, that's because it indeed is the same shirt that Taehyung wore that night. After the Park family took their leave after dinner, Mr. Kim Taehyung was beaten up by his own parents. To the point where he had internal bleeding and wounds."


I hope you liked this part of the court session, it's my first time writing something like😬😬😬 share vote and comment on the story if you liked it so far and stay tuned to hear the final verdict of the court session.

Have a nice day!!

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