Cant Live This life With An Empty Heart | Chapter 10

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I rolled over and Andy's arm slung around me tighter. "Mmm Juliet." He mumbled. "I sat up and Andy pulled me back down. "No, go back to sleep." I chuckled. "Andy I gotta use the bathroom, I'll be back and I'll get you a Tylenol."

He nodded and his his face from the light.

I got out of the bunk and noticed I was only in Andy's shirt. It was past my but so I didn't bother slipping on pants. I used the bathroom. I flushed and I stared Into the mirror. I felt my stomach churn and I knelt down to the toilet.

I emptied the contents of my stomach out and I flushed. I sat on the toilet and sighed. I washed my face and mouth and had two cups of water. How much did we drink last night? I walked out and saw Ashely sprawled out on the couch. Naked might I add.

I didn't see anything though. I just saw his ass, well then I guess I saw something. But I ignored it and just grabbed Tylenol and water for Andy. I knocked on the wall before leaving the kitchen area hoping to wake Ash up so he'll get dressed.

I crawled back I to the bunk and handed the pill to Andy with water. "Thank you." I nodded. "How much did we drink?" He asked, "I don't even know. I don't remember much, except Jalex making out and you carrying me into our bunk and tear out clothes off." I said with a smirk.

"Well I wish I remember it all." He whispered kissing my neck. I let out. Giggle as he pulled me down and straddled me. "Well maybe we could refresh our memories?" I said with a smirk. He smiled and attacked my neck again.

Our clothes were soon discarded.


"Hey Juliet. Someone's outside for you?" John said walking by me. I looked at Andy and gave him a kiss before getting up. Maybe it's Jenna? I walked out after slipping on my toms. "Hey- mom?" I looked at the woman who I never seen since she left me at my aunts years ago.

"Jessica baby." She said walking closer to me with her arms out. She got super close and I backed up. "Uhh." "Jessica. It's me. Sarah, it's mommy." "W-Why..are you here?" I said my voice getting weaker.

"I'm going to take you home." "I am home." "This is a tour bus for a tour that last only in the summer." I backed up again. "Come home with me. Andy's not going to take you to live with him, you two have been separate for years."

"How do you know this?" She sighed. "I know it may seem I've never been around or even gave you a letter or anything but I have been." I leaned against the tour bus. "So you've been stalking me?" "It's more than that. I was a wanted woman. And I had to get you somewhere safe. And when you attempted I took my chance and shipped you across the country."

I..what? "What are you saying?" "I was part of this CSI bullshit and I did some things wrong and bad people were after me and my family. I had to fake my death and I shipped you away." I walked up to her and shoved her. "YOU LEFT ME. I THOUGHT YOU HATED ME CAUSE I WAS A DISAPPOINTMENT. AUNTY AND I STILL TALK AND I LEFT HER FOUR YEARS AGO."

"Who do you think told me where you were." There was no words. I was mad. "I NEEDED YOU. A MOTHER. YOU LEFT ME WITH AUNTY WHO WAS HARDLY EVER HOME. DID YOU KNOW I ATTEMPTED SUICIDE TWICE SINCE YOU LEFT ME." I yelled

I heard the door swing open and Andy came over to me. "What's wrong?! Who's this? What's happening?" He asked looking at my tears stain cheeks. "My mom." I said bearly above a whisper. "Well, here my phone number. Call me if you ever want to talk." She handed it to me and left.

I looked down at it. It read;

443-128-1234 I flipped it over and I dropped the paper. I immediately cried into Andy's shoulder. The other said simply said I've always loved you

A/N short chapter but it felt right ending it at that part. Anyway I figured for some drama I'd bring back her mom from the first book in chapter 2. I don't think she'll be like a regular character or even a main one. Also parents can be so, not understanding? They know how things were done back in the day, but won't grasp that things are different. I don't know. My moms been driving me crazy lately. Also another reason why I brought Juliet's mother back.

Don't worry her moms going got be a bitch, so don't fall in love with the character. Guise! I need some help. I'm getting stuck. And I didn't want to out this on hold like my Jalex. Soo any ideas on what I should add?

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