8. For Friends, There's Nothing Impossible

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(Aliya's POV)

'We're in NEW YORK!' I can't believe we are back. This is like my dream paradise. The busy streets and the huge billboards make me go crazy.

'Move! Move!' Jazz pushed me aside so she can find a little gap in between the iron handle of the bench and me.

'Here you go. That lady put some mustard on it.' She gave me a hot dog she bought from the food cart just a few feet away. Jazz and I were in the central park, admiring the surrounding and the people who walk pass us. They were really busy with their phone calls and personal stuff. The smell of the hot dogs and the coffee were what gives you the morning spirit in New York. I have never seen or felt the same energy in other countries. With the thought of asking a question I turned back to Jazz but the sight made me choke with laughter.

'Slow down you hungry beast. No one's going to eat that.' While laughing I said. She was eating her hot dog like a person who has been starving for years. I looked around to see whether someone else had noticed her, but for my luck they had more important work than staring at this madness.

The weather was bearable but we had to wear our coats as we can't be too sure about not getting a cold. Ross went to check the book stall near the park so Jazz and I agreed to stay here till she comes. Though we missed two days due to the useless fight over Rachel and Jazz, Paul gave us a leave so we could recover from the jet lag and all. But I'm sure this was not a reward, but a way of keeping us away from the stadium for the day. The boys are scheduled to visit the stadium today and they are having a few interviews. There will be a signing session so basically they are going to spend the entire day in the stadium. Because what happened last time Paul might have thought it would be better to keep us (Specially Rachel) out of this program because there was no way he had got time to deal with another food fight.

'We should fly more on Knight Airlines.' After a long time Jazz opened up while opening the water bottle.


'Because... I like their movie collection.' Smiling at me she said and continued. 'And we can fly first class and order anything we like.'

'Jasmine, are you out of your mind? How are you planning to pay for all that? Rob a bank or something?' She thinks she can do whatever she likes.

'Why should I rob a bank when my friend is a multi-millionaire, plus she owns the Knight Airlines?'

'Excuse me miss, but those are her dad's properties and don't ever speak out your stupid ideas in front of Rachel. You know she doesn't like that!' I said with a frowning look. Jazz put her tongue out and walked towards the book stall to meet Ross.

Rachel doesn't like to hear anybody talking about what she has. She thinks it makes her different from the others and makes her stood out. She knows for a fact that if people recognized her as the heiress of the Knights Cooperation she would never get to be the fun loving girl again. Once she told us how she hates her father being followed by the media and how stressful her father was, and how she dreamt of going on picnics and to Disney world with her parents like normal kids do. Instead, she was provided with all the luxuries and free tickets to travel the world, but it was never the same. Her parents love her so much and it's certain that they were grieving for the same fact of not having the freedom to be as a family. But they were trying their best to make Rachel happy and they help her to get away from the spotlights and business to enjoy her life. This job and the friends she got made her happy and finally she was able to blend into this life. So far she's enjoying it and we are helping her the best way we could because she is indeed a girl who deserves all the happiness in this world.

After Rachel joined with us, the silent spell broke out and she taught us how to enjoy the life. Jasmine became more straight forward in her speech and Rosaline started to talk. (Literary, she was like an owl. More into her work!) I, of course, let myself relax and to be more of myself. The girl who stepped into the backstage of One Direction by the name of Rachel James finally let her guard down introducing her true self as Rachel Knight, was the moment that strengthened our bond of friendship. She trusted us with her secret and it's our part to respect it. Though she doesn't use her father's fame and money like other rich kids, she's a person who helps her friends with whatever she has. We have never met Mr. Knights in person, but her stories made us believe he's a very nice person just like his daughter.

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