38. Out (Part 1)

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Niall was having different kinds of emotions after hearing that Rachel's suffuring from a secret. He was over the moon that she had given him the chance to let their friends know about their relationship. Yet here he was pacing to and fro thoroughly contemplating about his next step, on how to reach out to Rachel. He was curious about Rachel's life. Not because he needed to know the background story of his girlfriend, but he needed to find a way to console her, bring happiness into her life.

After thousands of debates with his conscience, he got out from the house for some fresh air. He wanted to cool off his blazing heart. It would give him a fresh start or at least get a chance to see her. That is if she was still here.

With his hands inside the pockets, he slowly walked towards the bridge, crossed it over and moved along the path which led him to the clubhouse. He could see some golfers already celebrating their putt. Strangely Niall couldn't think of his favourite game, although he tried staring at the players, who were enjoying their friendly competition. Well maintained greens did bring him peace, but it was only temporary.

The fresh air and the serenity finally brought him to the clubhouse. It was not very crowded as it was late breakfast time. He made his way into the lobby to meet smiling ushers waiting for their command. Greeting them with a fainted grin, Niall walked pass the lobby into the dining area which was opened to the lush field. Two families were already having their breakfast and he could hear a loud chatter coming from a far corner. His friends had gathered around for a morning chat. They had left the house for him to be in solitary and now Niall was out and about to face the world. The guys were sitting right next to the trophy wall, which was decorated with many awards and shields to show off the glorious history of this place. This was an absolute winners' place for every golfer and pampering heaven for any other guest. But for Niall it was nothing.

'Hey Niall, c'mon we're gonna take a mini tour.' Louis, seen Niall approaching said. The guys were waiting for the resort's tour guide to take them sight-seen. Niall was not interested.

'Just this once Ni. Let's have some fun while we can.' Liam was trying to bring back his friend's charisma. At last, the tour guy came. Nothing Niall could do but to join his friends.

'This is Australia's 2nd most difficult golfing course while it ranks 7th in the world. Our club's managed by...' The rest didn't go into Niall's head. The boys were thrilled about the facts and the sights they were seeing.

Niall was resolute on meeting Rachel today one way or another. He was determined to decipher this dilemma once in for all and support her in any way that he could. Their relationship is much stronger and nothing could break that off. He knew his heart. And he deeply believed it. All what he wanted was to get out of this black hole and return to his beloved.

He was ready.

'Here we're now closing to the management house and the private quarters of the owner. Management house is a 3 tire building where all the magic happens.' the tour guide went on. 'The Knights. Co is very strict when it comes to their business, but that's why you guys are HERE!' The boastful guide looked pleased.

'This is one of the Knights Family's favourite places of all, so they normally visit here more often than the rest.'

'The building looks like one of a kind. Wow. Hope I could meet Will once again. Such a great guy with a great taste.' When Zayn told about his past meeting with the boss at a design & architecture function, the guide demanded to hear the whole story.

'Well, I heard one of the Knights are in the premises as we speak.' the guy almost whispered as he was revealing a state secret.

Harry and Zayn followed the guide guy, but Liam slowed his pace to join Niall who was still gazing at the white curvy building. Something's not right.

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