3. The Big Red Bus & the Cheesy Pizza

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Merry Christmas everybody!

Song to this chapter

Girls just gonna have fun - Miley Cyrus version

(Rachel's POV)

The gig is on Friday. That means tomorrow. The stage is done, the lights are done, and outside counters are ready, except for the fashion department. Caroline asked us to bring all the cloths into the dressing room and arrange it in order. So here I am, doing one of my favorite things to help my boss.

'Rach! Look out!!!!!'

What?? I did honk. But these people are so clumsy.

It's too heavy to lift those cloth boxes so I found a golf cart to move them. No one needs license to drive a cart and most of all I'm a legendary cart driver because I've got 3 golf carts at home. It's like dad's collecting these amazing cars and I collected my own, which were golf carts because back then I could only drive those.

'Rachel! Those boxes are really valuable. Those aren't your toys!' I pulled the cart over to the dressing room and because of the way I hit the brakes, the boxes almost fell down. I was able to hold a few but Louis's box had a big hit on the floor.

'Sorry Caroline. But I don't think Louis needs all these cloths so don't worry.' I have no idea why these guys have such big boxes, since they have only two changes during the concert. Poor Rachel has to carry all these boxes every single day. Should ask for a pay raise!

'You better keep your silly thoughts to yourself, Miss. James.' Caroline's not in her mood and it was the warning for me to walk away before anything bad happens.

Nina, with few others were unpacking the boxes and hanging the shirts, pants and other accessories according to the boys' changing plan. I kept the last box on the table and walked back to my cart with the idea of visiting the mess hall.

'Butterfly, this is Mega calling. Over.' My walki-talki was hanging on my belt and here's Paul calling me. He used to call me butterfly when I was really small and he's still using it as the code.

'Mega, receiving. Over.' While driving the cart I pushed the button on the walki-talki and replied. It sounds like a real deal, don't you think so?

'Report to the back entrance, over.'

'And bring your friends. Over.' AH! Now that's interesting.

'On my way!!' I screamed and then remembered the part 'OVER!'

So with the screeching noise of the tires I quickly took my turn to find my friends. While driving back to the main stage, I sent a text to Jazz, Ross and Aliya asking them to meet me near the entrance to the back stage ASAP.

When I got there, only Jazz and Aliya was standing with a frown.

'Where's Ross?' I snapped back.

'I'm coming!!!' She was running towards us. It's hilarious to look her running with her high heels. Jazz and I start laughing aloud which made Ross angry.

'Stop laughing you two nut heads! Now why did you text us?' She was panting.

'Uncle Paul wants us at the back entrance.' I said and jumped back into the cart.

'But why?' they sang in harmony with annoyance.

'Just jump in. You'll get a free ride from the best racer in the whole town!' to ignore the question I replied.

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