21. What a Feeling

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Song for the chapter

What a feeling by One Direction

(Rachel's POV)

Two more hours till the last show in Vienna at Ernst Happel Stadium and after a few jobs here and there, with little breaks I managed to spend my day without contemplating on the incident last night. I felt tiresome with the warm atmosphere inside the arena, but I made the best decision on working today. Aliya kept on calling me often to check my status. Everyone had their own job to engage in and everyone had their own adrenaline pumping up when the time was getting closer. The ringing of the phones, the artificial tones coming from the walki-talkies, buggies driving everywhere and to beat all that, the thumping of the heart beats were filling every corner of the backstage.

And this is where I belong.

While the staff was gradually arriving to the end of their jobs, the fashion department was about to begin theirs. With my rip denim shorts on the black pair of leggings and the oversize gray hoodie with the Avenger symbol printed on, I stepped towards the second changing room. The green sneakers lazily dragged me off, while my face was mostly covered from the hood. I could see my path, but few hair strands were distracting, though I ignored them. My pockets were filled with tissues. Left with new. Right with used. I was glad the stadium was warm or I might not be able to manage the work so far.

Stepping into the small room covered with black material which was just behind the main stage, I lifted my heavy head to see Nina running through the cloth racks once more to be sure of them. Although the room was black it was well lit. The surrounding has now changed by replacing the ringing of the phones to female chattering coming far behind the stage. The girls were overexcited to hear the live music. The band was playing "She looks so perfect" and you know who's on the stage right now. I was pleased to hear the song, but surprisingly the loud music will not agree to my physical condition today. If I stay here for the whole evening I could end up in the hospital. But still, this was my first day in the second dressing room so with a deep breath I settled myself to cope up with the situation once in for all.

'How are you doing, Rach?' Nina looked into my eyes which I must say was sure to be pale.

'I'm doing fine I guess, but this music doesn't give me a good vibe today.' With a weak smile I replied. She was with a red check shirt on her hand, but stopped her work to say something which I was totally aware of so I jumped right before her.

'But I'm happy and all energetic to continue my job.'

She nodded, but I can see her eyes gleaming with sympathy. I walked passed her to the other rack which belongs to Harry and stood my back to Nina. I moved my hand along the materials and stopped by grabbing a pink satin shirt with white polka dots.

'Nina, I think Harry can wear this for the first half. It really suits him.'

I ran my fingers to feel the richness of the material. This will definitely make the girls go wild. And most importantly Harry himself. A small chuckle escaped as I pictured the jolly Harry with this shirt on.

'Oh... I see a pretty picture of him with that. Hang it on the other rack so he knows. Let's hear his comments when he gets here.'

Nina smiled at me and got back to her work. She was choosing shirts for Liam. The pants will be the same for the whole night, but they will change the tops for the second half.

'Did the guys come in?' Nina asked suddenly checking her watch.

'Yap. I saw Louis running around the garage and scooping back into the main dressing room.'

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