39. Out (Part 2)

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'Rachel Knights?'

'One sec.' without turning back she lifted her index finger towards the entrance and went on with her call. Standing tall behind the desk she was observing the world below her. Her free hand landed on the headstand of the crimson chair.

Ending the call, Rachel prepared herself for the guest.

'Sorry, what can I...' the glamorous woman who, just single handedly closed an international deal perplexed by the sight of two gentlemen standing near the entrance.

'Hey Rachel, Mr Knights wants you to check this.' Ed came from nowhere rummaging through some documents.

'And we need to celebrate the win! I'm glad you came back. We couldn't have done it without you. You upheld your name, Miss Knights.'

He may have felt the rising tension as he looked at now paperwhite Rachel staring at the door. He stopped. 

'Hi, Rachel.' Liam broke the silence. 'Urmm.. we didn't... I mean we were just wondering around and... and urmm...' scratching his head he muttered.

Rachel's visage slightly changed into a smile. But then it was not Liam she had a problem with. She gathered all the courage and strength she could muster up.

'Hope you guys are enjoying the stay.' She slowly marched towards the guys. But didn't leave the desk.

'Niall. Come in.' After days of avoidance here they were. She could no longer resist. It was time.

Niall did not remove his stare away from Rachel. He couldn't believe what was happening. He didn't step forward. He couldn't. Niall wanted his girlfriend. But the girl standing in front of him wasn't her.

'Edward...' Rachel turned to her secretary, 'Would you please...' Edward needn't further explanation, he did as he was told. Placing the documents on Rachel's desk with a reassuring nod, he exited. Liam followed.

'Niall.' the time had come for them to set this gravel path smooth.

He remained stiff. Rachel knew at that moment she needed to break this ice between them.

'Niall, I'm sorry. For everything.'

She waited.

'Niall, please.'

She begged. She stepped closer.

'I'm sorry for...' she was so close she tried reaching his hand.

'...for deceiving me?' her hand lost its strength.

It was done. Rachel had wrecked her relationship once in for all. And their souls.

'Who are you?' The boy demanded. He was no longer patient. He could feel his blood boiling up. All this time he assumed the reason for Rachel's transformation was his fault. Now his vision got cleared. A human can no longer tolerate being deluded by the love of his life. Having it repeated, made the man go wild.

He thought he had finally found a meaning for his life. He thought his nightmares were over, that he would not be cheated and be used. Again.

He knew this story. The story that he dreaded, was retelling itself. Glamorous clothing, a room packed with betrayal and a woman he thought he knew better. He couldn't take it any longer. He had enough of this drama.

'Niall, It's me. Your Rachel.'

'Yes. I was head over heels for a girl called Rachel James. But you are not her.' He took another step. She stood still.

'My Rachel is a carefree girl. And I can't find her.' another step.

'You look just like her but, you aren't her!'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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