16. Change

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Chapter 16 – Change

"Who do you like?"

"No one."

"Who do you like?"

"I said, no one!"

"Well... who do you like?"

"How many times are you going to say that?"

"As many times as it takes, for you to say my name."



I couldn't get my head around the fact that I was hugging Daehyun, which I was not aware of, and I was speechless to retaliate. It seems as if time has frozen, and the two of us standing face to face was already making the atmosphere really, really awkward.

"I- uh s-sorry," I blinked several times. "I didn't mean– you know..."

 He smiled sincerely, and let go of me. He didn't let go of my hands though. "It's alright. Why are you crying?"

Damn was he good at noticing people! And how he was holding my hands tightly was making me go nuts, since my heart was beating faster and my palms were becoming sweaty.

I sighed, not knowing what to do or tell at the remembrance of what just happened moments ago. The uneasy feeling inside me was like a persistent toothache that could not go away in a short time. I surrendered, not knowing what to do but to vent it all out on him.

"He lied. He lied to me, Daehyun." I swallowed what was a lump inside my throat. "About this whole thing. I... I don't know."

He frowned, looking lost. "Lied? Lied about what?"

And so I did tell him about the whole thing – and how he was actually deceiving me this whole time. I was outsmarted to the maximum level. But there was something that kept on bothering me, even though I have tried to put it at the back of my mind.

Chanyeol's face... I don't know how to start. These past few days he looked so dejected, it feels as if I was seeing myself in the past.

Feeling remorse, grieved, and forced into a society where they would not accept unfortunate people, it just made me want to know more about him. How I was struggling to live after my parents died was incomprehensible. There was never time where I would smile even the slightest bit as there were no cheerful events that occurred.

I always have been so grateful to Yongguk for saving me, and how he would just accept me in his life just like that made me to have a more open mind. And all of the things that has happened, starting from knowing Daehyun to Sojin, and... Chanyeol, I thought of no issues, problems whatsoever that might ensue.

But what now?

I don't believe that Chanyeol is doing that in his own will, I just don't. He must have feared of something, and that might force him to do this although that's just a possibility. I really do hope it's true.

To my surprise, the front door slammed its way to the wall. "HO HO HO! Here comes the most admired person in this world! Behold – precious Youngjae is here!! He-"

He suddenly became immobile, his eyes stared into our direction, and it took him less than two seconds to realize what was happening.

"EH?! Daehyun! Minha!" He gawks deeply. "Oh my god, I should really get out of here."

Daehyun must have been pissed because the next thing he does was covering Youngjae's mouth and dragged him out of the house. To be honest, I was kind of laughing because Daehyun looked really embarrassed and Youngjae was totally hilarious.

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