11. First encounter

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Chapter 11 – First encounter

Youngjae took out two drinks from his duffel bag. "Apple or orange?"

"Apple," I grabbed the apple juice and smiled. "Thanks."

It took around an hour and a half to get to this place, and I must say I wasn't really disappointed with the place.

The camp site wasn't too bad, although it was quite bushy around – but at least we are all going to sleep in a cabin, that's for sure. As I said before, I wouldn't want to sleep in a tent from past experiences.

We all gathered around at the muster point after the teacher, or 'leader', called us all. Dragging my luggage around was kind of a nuisance since it was heavy, probably heavier than the rest of the people in here because I brought insignificant objects that might be helpful some time in the days of the camp. 

Call me weird but I'm not, really.

"Alright students, or should I say cadets," he immaterially sniggered. "I am going to divide you all into six groups to go to your cabins based on this list I received from your homeroom teacher. Starting with girls first."

I was about to comment on his personality to Youngjae but I resigned after realizing it was stupid.

 "Yoo Hana, Kim Jaekyung, Park Soobin, Choi Minhyun, Jung Hwayoung and Kim Haneul all of you will be in cabin number 1. Choi Sora..."

I didn't really paid attention when he calls out names according to their cabin, since I wasn't going to be included in the list of girls. But when Minha's name was called, I tried to hear what cabin she was in.

" –Park Sojin and Bang Minha you will all be in cabin 3." The teacher called, and from a distant I could see a smile in Minha's face.

Now it was the list that my name's going to be in that the teacher's going to call out about our cabins and I was hoping I would be in the same tent as Youngjae. And I knew she would put us together because she knows that we're like inseparable.

"What." I stared in pure disgrace.

Youngjae lightly slapped my left arm in annoyance. "Stop being so disappointed! They're going to come here in any minute."

"But seriously? Out of all the people here–"

 A 6'1 foot giant and a rather short and small-looking guy entered and stepped on the floor we were standing on. Oh yes, Park Chanyeol. And his friend. Byun Baekhyun. In our cabin.

I always see these two together like attracting magnets everywhere – probably they're very close friends, or I may be wrong. But the smile on Chanyeol's face kind of irks me sometimes.

It just irks me how she light up when he smiles.

"Hey guys I'm Chanyeol," He brightly waved his hands in the air. "Nice to meet you and nice meeting you again Daehyun."

We're in the same class everywhere, dumbass. "You too." I half-smiled in reply.

"And I'm Byun Baekhyun! Hope we will all get along." Baekhyun showed a crescent-eye smile as a start and to be honest, he seems pretty friendly. It wasn't as uncomfortable to stand in front of him at the fact that we're pretty much the same height.

"Yoo Youngjae! Yeah, I hope we'll get along. There will be competition between cabin groups they said," Youngjae talked normally as if he forgot about the whole Chanyeol situation. "Hope we'll win."

"Competition? Woah, Chanyeol! We've never had competitions since we take a break. We need to win this!" Baekhyun chirped. I didn't know he would be that eager to win as a person.

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