2. Park Chanyeol is Perfect

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Hello beautiful people! Sorry for the late update, but hey, I finally updated chapter 2!


Chapter 2 – Park Chanyeol is perfect

I was facing the other way of where Daehyun is facing, munching on my cereal. I harshly picked up the glass of orange juice and drink it.

Ugh stupid Jung Daehyun! Stupid, stupid, stupid!

That day's memory was still very clear and I still remember each and every scene. I shouldn't have freakin got in to his room, ever.


"Daehyun, dinner is- ...Oh.My.God." I was speechless, at the sudden view I'm looking at.

Now the door's completely open as I stood in front of his room, and Daehyun was just facing me, with his wet hair. It looked hot.

Daehyun was naked. Not totally naked, he had his towel covering the lower part of his body. You know where I meant.

He was shocked too, about the fact that I'm suddenly in his room. Good thing I have said the word 'diner' before I went speechless.

"Uh... I probably should-" Just as I was about to finish my sentence and leave his room,

The towel fell.

"AHH!!" I covered my face, and ran as fast as I could downstairs. I was blushing really hard; the scene just won't stop replaying on my head.

I just saw someone's naked body! And this someone is JUNG DAEHYUN.

Argh I feel so... weird. It's like I don't know how I will look at him from now on. Stupid Jung Daehyun! Aish!

I bumped on to Yongguk, who was trying to ask me what on earth happened.

"Yah! What happened? Why are you screaming?" He said, making me stop from running any more.

"Upstairs... Daehyun... Naked!" I was at a loss of words.

"Ahh! You saw Daehyun naked, am I right?" He happily said, and the tone he used was so casual. It's like, nothing to him!

"What?! No! Pshh no! ....I guess?" I was panicking, of course, at his question. I just can't help but to go crazy at the question. Well... who doesn't?

"Aigoo, it's fine! You'll soon see the others too!" He said, again, with the casual tone.

"WHAT?!?!" I screeched.

There's NO way I'm going to one of their rooms, or else I will see their naked bodies. I regretted going to Daehyun's room. Well I was a bit happy though because I saw his full body and especially his bul-


"I will be going first." Daehyun suddenly said, cutting all the conversation we're all having, well, he's excluded, of course.

I took a glance at him. Did he still remember what happened that day? I'm sure he did.

"Noona, let's go to school together!" Zelo said.

"Sure! Are we going to walk?" I asked him. Well, I don't know the location of the school yet so I don't know how long it takes for me to go there, walking.

"Yeah. It only takes about three minutes to go there. So it's fine if we go at around 7:50." Yongguk smiled.

"Ah I see. But I'm new though. I might take long to settle some stuff there. Can we go earlier?" I asked. I just hope that things will go well. I hope no one will kill me or something if I'm near BAP.

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