6. Sudden confession from a prank letter

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Chapter 6 – Sudden confession from a prank letter

Minha's POV

The calm breeze of wind greeted me as I opened the big gigantic door. Walking outside, I saw a figure standing with his arms in his pocket. I hurriedly walked down the veranda and approached him.

"Hey! Have you been waiting long?" I asked.

"Not really. I just arrived 5 minutes ago." He smiled at me.

"That's pretty long! Anyways, sorry I didn't come here faster. I didn't know you were coming." I said, feeling a bit guilty.

He chuckled. "It's not your fault, and it's okay if you came late since I don't mind about the weather." He smiled again, reassuring me.

"So, what brings you–" I was cut off by the sudden dust that went into my eyes. The feeling was ticklish but at the same time hurtful. I turned towards Chanyeol and asked him for help. "Ah–Chanyeol, could you help me blow off the dust from my eyes?"

"Of course. Come here." He had his hand on my neck as he tilted his head which made me heated for a moment. He gently blew onto my eyes and the dust was finally gone.

"Oh my god, thank you." I laughed.

"You're welcome." He grinned.

We suddenly heard a very loud slamming door coming from my house. We looked at each other, laughing it out. "I wonder what that was." I chuckled.

"Hey guys!" A voice shouted out.

I turned around to see the expected Sojin who was running towards us. She looked a little bit tired, which I believe that she ran all the way from her house to here. Or maybe from the bus station.

"So, where are we going?" I clasped my hands.

"I've always wanted to go to this arcade place near your house. Let's go!" Sojin chirped.

We arrived at the arcade and I must say that there are a lot of people inside. Sojin motioned the both of us to play the 'whack-a-mole' game, and it kind of made my mood increase.

"Yay! I scored the highest!" I gasped.

The next game we played was the punching bag. I didn't really want to play that, but I was forced to. But it was fun anyways.

"What will you do if I beat the high score?" Chanyeol grinned.

"Hmm let's see..." I tilted my head. I suddenly imagined me hugging his tall body and then everyone looked at us weirdly. "I... uh... congratulate you?" I sheepishly said.

He flashed me a big smile and then he punched the bag – really hard. The sound echoed through the whole room and some people are abandoning at what they're doing and their attention was towards us. I looked at the score, and it was 997. Then the machine lighted up with the sign 'High Score'.

"You did it! I'm so proud of you!" I said in a happiest tone. Then my stupid hormones suddenly hugged him tight.

"Thank you." He chuckled.

I quickly pulled off from the hug, and my cheeks were red all over. Why in the world did I do that?!

"I-I'm sorry about t-that." I looked away.

"You don't need to be sorry. I actually like it." He smiled, and then ruffled my hair.

Next day at school, hometime

Minha's POV

Daehyun's act was a little bit weird and somehow cute everytime I'm with Chanyeol – and do some physical contact. It's like, he's jealous. I wonder why?

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