8. Failed plan is humorous

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Chapter 8 – Failed plan is humorous


A gentle voice that came from her mouth startled my body. I changed my face expression almost immediately to a cold one, just in case she just saw my eyes dilating. I turned my face towards her in the laziest and uninterested looking ever.

"Could you pass me that gauze?" She pointed at the gauze at the table beside me, without looking at me.

I was a bit disappointed really, because I thought things would clear up between the two of us. But I was quite happy that she managed to talk to me – though it was a pointless one.

I grabbed the gauze from the table and hand it over to her, still with my cold expression. I took out my phone from my pocket just to keep myself busy (and to avoid any awkward situations that might happen).

The door swung opened to which made my head turn around towards the door as a reflex action. There stood Chanyeol, with which I assume a coffee in his hands because I could immediately smell coffee. He was a little bit panting I should say, and I could see beads of sweats in his forehead.

He smiled after seeing Minha, and in reply she smiled back. 'Why can't she smile like that in front of me?' was what I thought. He walked towards her bed, and handed her the coffee.

"Are you feeling better now?" He asked.

"Of course! Thanks for the coffee by the way. You know I felt bad now." She smiled, and let out a happy sigh.

"Ah, don't worry. It's no big deal." He waved his hand.

They talked for god knows how long and I just sit on the bed surfing on the internet of anything. I really wanted to go out at least, but the nurse told me to wait because she was getting a leg supporter for me to walk.

I was seriously like a third-wheel there – even though I didn't consider myself with them – and I felt a bit annoyed at how Minha looked so damn happy every time he smiled or do physical contact with her (to which sometimes made me more annoyed).

"D-Daehyun, we will be going first." Her voice startled me again.

I looked at her in disinterest, and managed to say something. "Why do you need to say that?"

She looked flustered for a bit, and said, "Ah, I just wanted to say." She sheepishly smiled, and walked towards the door with Chanyeol who was surprisingly did not argue with my answer. I eyed them walking, just because I have nothing else to look at.

The nurse came back just 3 minutes after they left (yes I do count), and she brought a leg supporter with her. She helped me to stand up, and helped me to adjust with the supporter. I tried to walk, and finally I could walk again (with the help of the supporter of course).

I thanked the nurse and proceeded on walking towards the parking lot after calling Himchan hyung to pick me up. As I turned towards the long corridor, I saw Minha leaning on one of the lockers and Chanyeol was in front of her facing each other, mutually smiling. Obviously talking about something.

I hurriedly walked back with a bit of trouble with my leg and hid behind the lockers, silently listening to what they're saying to my curiosity.

"So, do you... want to go out on a date with me?" Chanyeol said.

"A d-date? I've never been in to one." She said in a very modest tone. "But, I would love to go."

The last sentence kind of pained me in the heart for a moment; how can she be so easy him? I have always thought that she's someone who always struggles at making decisions. I guess I should stop with my assumptions.

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